Rob Irving


I am a retired academic and honorary research fellow in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.



My research interests are in the area of Algorithms and Complexity, with a particular emphasis on Matching problems and algorithms.

Research collaborators

David Abraham

Malcolm Atkinson

Peter Biro

Katarina Cechlarova

David Christie

Anne Condon

Agnes Cseh

Tamas Fleiner

Bernard Flury

Campbell Fraser

Ian Gent

Mohamed Goria

Dan Gusfield

Magnus Halldorsson

Ray Hill

Ela Hunt

Nicole Immorlica

Takao Inoshita

Kazuo Iwama

Mark Jerrum

Augustine Kwanashie

Paul Leather

Kevin Leyton-Brown

Lorna Love

David Manlove

Eric McDermid

Kurt Mehlhorn

Dimitris Michail

Martin Middendorf

Shuichi Miyazaki

Yasufumi Morita

Takashi Nagase

Gregg O'Malley

Katryzna Paluch

Boris Pittel

Patrick Prosser

Baharak Rastegari

Mike Saks

Ildi Schlotter

Sandy Scott

Barbara Smith

Colin Sng

Kavitha Telikepalli


Here is a list of selected research publications.

Some useful research links

Rob Irving, (rob dot irving at glasgow dot ac dot uk)
University of Glasgow
School of Computing Science
Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8QQ.
Telephone: +44 (0)141 330 1647
Fax +44 (0)141 330 4913