Stuart Mackie

I completed my Ph.D. in March 2018, working with the Terrier Team, under the supervision of Prof. Iadh Ounis and Dr. Craig Macdonald. My thesis research topic was supervised multi-document newswire summarisation.

Research Publications

  • Supervised Extractive Summarisation of News Events.
    Stuart Mackie.
    Ph.D. Thesis, Uniiversity of Glasgow, March 2018. (thesis)

  • Experiments in Newswire Summarisation.
    Stuart Mackie, Richard McCreadie, Craig Macdonald and Iadh Ounis.
    In Proceedings of ECIR 2016. (full paper)

  • University of Glasgow at TREC 2015: Experiments with Terrier in Contextual Suggestion, Temporal Summarisation and Dynamic Domain Tracks.
    Richard McCreadie, Stuart Mackie, Jarana Manotumruksa, Graham McDonald, Saúl Vargas, Craig Macdonald, and Iadh Ounis.
    In Proceedings of TREC 2015. (notebook)

  • Comparing Algorithms for Microblog Summarisation.
    Stuart Mackie, Richard McCreadie, Craig Macdonald and Iadh Ounis.
    In Proceedings of CLEF 2014. (short paper)

  • On Choosing an Effective Automatic Evaluation Metric for Microblog Summarisation.
    Stuart Mackie, Richard McCreadie, Craig Macdonald and Iadh Ounis.
    In Proceedings of IIiX 2014. (full paper)

  • University of Glasgow at TREC 2013: Experiments with Terrier in Contextual Suggestion, Temporal Summarisation and Web Tracks.
    Richard McCreadie, M-Dyaa Albakour, Stuart Mackie, Nut Limosopathan, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis and B. Taner Dinçer.
    In Proceedings of TREC 2013. (notebook)