Typechecking Java Protocols with [St]Mungo


This is a tutorial paper on [St]Mungo, a toolchain based on multiparty session types and their connection to typestates for safe distributed programming in Java language. The StMungo (“Scribble-to-Mungo”) tool is a bridge between multiparty session types and typestates. StMungo translates a communication protocol, namely a sequence of sends and receives of messages, given as a multiparty session type in the Scribble language, into a typestate specification and a Java API skeleton. The generated API skeleton is then further extended with the necessary logic, and finally typechecked by Mungo. The Mungo tool extends Java with (optional) typestate specifications. A typestate is a state machine specifying a Java object protocol, namely the permitted sequence of method calls of that object. Mungo statically typechecks that method calls follow the object’s protocol, as defined by its typestate specification. Finally, if no errors are reported, the code is compiled with javac and run as standard Java code. In this tutorial paper we give an overview of the stages of the [St]Mungo toolchain, starting from Scribble communication protocols, translating to Java classes with typestates, and finally to typechecking method calls with Mungo. We illustrate the [St]Mungo toolchain via a real-world case study, the HTTP client-server request-response protocol over TCP. During the tutorial session, we will apply [St]Mungo to a range of examples having increasing complexity, with HTTP being one of them.

In FORTE 2020
Laura Voinea
Laura Voinea
Research Associate

Laura Voinea is a Research Associate at the University of Kent School of Computing

Ornela Dardha
Ornela Dardha
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ornela Dardha is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.

Simon Gay
Simon Gay
Head of School of Computing Science

Professor Simon Gay is Head of School in the School of Computing Science.
