
I am a research associate in Human-Computer Interaction in the Multimodal Interaction Group at the University of Glasgow, researching the areas of haptic interfaces, affective feedback and virtual reality. I am currently working on the EU PRESTIGE project, assisting in the design and testing of novel user interfaces using printed sensor and tactile actuators. Previously I worked on the Virtual Errands Test (VET) project, which created a virtual reality (VR) version of the Multiple Errands Test to allow people with Acquired Brain Injury to be assessed and rehabilitated at a lower cost and in greater comfort and safety.

I am also researching:

I recently worked on the ABBI project (Audio Bracelet for Blind Interactions) in collaboration with IIT, Lund University, University of Hamburg and Instituto David Chiossone Onlus. The project aimed at improving spatial cognition, mobility and social skills in blind children, through motion-sensitive "bracelets" on the wrists/ankles and the use of the auditory modality to convey spatial information (movement, position). My research looked at encouraging environmental engagement in blind children through audio feedback.

I have previously worked on the UltraTouch research project in collaboration with the Bristol Interaction and Graphics group at Bristol University (now at UltraHaptics). We investigated the use of contact-free, mid-air tactile feedback for HCI using ultrasonic sound waves.

My undergraduate degree was in psychology and my HCI research interests are predominantly the perceptual, cognitive and psychophysical aspects of interaction with computing devices, and designing interfaces to suit the range and limits of human ability in terms of both input and output. My PhD research under Prof Stephen Brewster looked at different aspects of haptic interaction with mobile devices, including pressure-based input and the design of thermal feedback for HCI.