Hidden Markov Models

A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in [Rabiner]

Monte Carlo Hidden Markov Models: Learning Non-Parametric Models of Partially Observable Stochastic Processes
Abstract: We present a learning algorithm for non-parametric hidden Markov models with continuous state and observation spaces. All necessary probability densities are approximated using samples, along with density trees generated from such samples. AMonte Carlo version of Baum-Welch (EM) is employed to learn models from data. Regularization during learning is achieved using an exponential shrinking technique. The shrinkage factor, which determines the effective capacity of the learning algorithm, is...

The Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model: Analysis and Applications Abstract: We introduce, analyze and demonstrate a recursive hierarchical generalization of the widely used hidden Markov models, which we name Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models (HHMM). Our model is motivated by the complex multi-scale structure which appears in many natural sequences, particularly in language, handwriting and speech. We seek a systematic unsupervised approach to the modeling of such structures. By extendingthe standard forward-backward(BaumWelch) algorithm, we derive an efficient...
