Client log format

These files contain all of the data logged by the phones each individual participant carried with them. This records the participants position, as measured by GPS, time since the start of the trial, the target the participant was trying to reach (note: participants do not necessarily share a consistent target, depending on when the network updates happen!), the time since the last network update (the "freshness" of the data), and a summary of how active they were (measured by averaging the energy in accelerometer readings).

The data is stored in ASCII format, in a format suitable for parsing with Python (just the string representation of a dictionary). Each line is one entry, and the data is recorded at 4Hz.

The format is a Python-style dictionary in the form {"field" : value, "field2" : value, ...} (see below for how to parse it), and each entry has the following fields:


{'gps_satellites': 6.0, 'average_distance': 303.56351441168181, 'cumulative_time': 83.328125, 
'target_distance': 302.83507862568359, 'target_lon': -3.9787780000000001, 'lon': -3.9756649999999998, 
'gps_hdop': 3.0, 'feedback_state': 0.0, 'last_network_time': 322490.0, 'target_width': 60.0, 
'time': 1247663723.84375, 'lat': 51.609575, 'acc_activity': 2552.6574110000001, 
'target_heading': -0.34807500000000002, 'heading': 18.460864999999998, 
'heading_activity': 0.17074700000000001, 'target_lat': 51.611485999999999}


In Python, parsing is trivial:
f = open("trial-1-1_phone-3.log")
for line in f:
    data = eval(line)
    # print out the time and gps satellite count
    print data["cumulative_time"], data["gps_satellites"]