Trial summary graphs

Variance and path plots

These plots show the overlaid paths that the users took, and the area of these paths filled in. This gives a sense of the variation in routes for the different starting positions (in each trial, participants were always started from the same location).

Overlaid filled path plot. The numbers indicate the final meeting point of the respective trial.

Overlaid path plot. The numbers indicate the final meeting point of the respective trial. Coloring indicates the time at which that part of the path is reached (see key at top left for color-time mapping).

Overlaid paths, colored by participant number.

Time to convergence

The plots below show the distance to the centroid against time, first grouping per phone (per participant) and secondly grouping by trial.

Distance to centroid versus time, coloured by participant. Some particpant starting locations resulted in consistently shorter paths.

Distance to centroid versus time, coloured by trial number.