Inertial log format

These files contain measurements of the acceleration, magnetic field and angular rotation rates measured throughout the trial. They are measured at a constant 100Hz sampling rate. These were measured using an SK6 SHAKE sensor pack, using the built in logging firmware to log directly to on-device flash. These files are the raw dumps extracted from the flash recording.

The data file is in ASCII format and has an entry on each line. Each field is a constant number of characters, and the data is comma seperated. Each entry consits of a timestamp and a sensor reading. The lines have the following structure:


The sensor values should be reasonably well calibrated, but the angular rate sensor in particular is generally subject to significant drift.


An example:
The sensor readings are interleaved, and there should always be an ACC, MAG and ARS reading for each unique timestamp.

Parsing is a simple Python script which will read a file in this format, and return three Numpy arrays (one for the accelerometer, one for the magnetometer and one for the gyroscope). This data will be a time-series with a fixed 100Hz sampling rate.
Example usage:
  import pylab
  acc, mag, gyro = sensors_to_array("trial-1-1_phone-3.txt")
  # plot the first acceleration axis