
The simulator used in the design of the Social Gravity trials simulates the movement of pedestrian towards a fixed target, or towards a dynamic centroid. Factors such as the level of GPS noise, the coarsness of feedback, the quality of inertial sensor data, environmental constraints and walking paramaters can all be adjusted. The script can show the results interactively, or can run batch trials, compute summary statistics and generate a PDF report, complete with graphs.

An example report is shown here (2Mb). Note that the simulator always writes all of the simulation parameters into the report, so that the results are reproducible.

Requirements and installing

The package can be downloaded here (42Kb).

Unzip to a directory and start to bring up the interface.

Python is required Python, along with the following packages: PyGame, NumPy and Matplotlib. It also requires a LaTeX installation to generate reports. On Windows, MikTex is suitable.


On running the following interface will appear:

The simulator can be run in either interactive mode by selecting the "interactive mode" option and then pressing "Run", or in batch mode, by selecting "batch mode". The "batch mode" will generate a PDF report file (eventually).

Interactive mode

Running in interactive mode will produce a display like this:
where the movement of the agents can be seen in real time. The small yellow circles represent the true positions of the agents. The red circles represent the position with GPS noise added; the pie shapes indicate the angular range in which feedback will be generated. A distance scale is shown at the bottom.


The parameters have the following meanings. All units are meters, seconds and degrees.