Chris Johnson's Appointments as External Examiner

I Have Examined the Following PhDs

What is a PhD in Human Computer Interaction?

Date University Name Title
17/12/1996 Universite de Toulouse I, France. Mauro Pedralli, Vers un Environnement Multimedia Pour L'Analyse Video des Causes d'Erreurs Humaines Application dans les Simulateurs d'Avions
7/4/1997 Universite de Toulouse I, France. Olivier Esteban, Programmation Visuelle Pour la Construction d'interfaces Homme-Machine Hautement Interactives
23/10/1997 Universite de Toulouse I, France. Marcello Pimenta, TAREFA: Une Approche pour L'Ingenerie des besoins des Systemes Interactifs
10/11/1997 Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK. Christine Faulkner, A Qualitative Approach to the Assessment of the Cognitive Complexity of an Interface
17/3/1998 Technical University of Eindhoiven, Netherlands. Wim van Vuuren, Organisational Failure: An Exploratory Study in the Steel Industry and the Medical Domain
25/3/1998 University College London, University of London, UK. Bob Rosenburg, Computing without Mice and Keyboards: Text and Graphic Input Devices for Mobile Computing
29/7/1998 Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK. Eamonn O'Neill, User developer cooperation in software development: Building Common Ground and Usable Systems
28/9/1998 Universite' de Paris XI, Orsay, France. Philippe Le Brun, XTL: Une logique temporelle pour la specification formelle des systemes interactifs
14/9/1999 Lancaster University, UK. Keith Cheverst, Development of a Group Service to Support Collaborative Mobile Groupware
6/12/1999 Lancaster University, UK. Stephen Viller, Human Factors in Requirements Engineering: A Method for Improving Requirements Processes for the Development of Dependable Systems
21/2/2000 University of York, UK. David Pumfrey The Principled Design of Computer System Safety Analyses
24/3/2000 University of Reading, UK. Gheorghita Ghinea Quality of Perception: An Essential Facet of Multimedia Communications
24/11/2000 The Open University, UK. Debbie Stone An Investigation into Support for Early Human-Computer Interaction Design Activities
26/1/2001 Napier University, UK. Manuel Imaz Applying Experientialism to HCI Methods
1/6/2001 University of York, UK. Bob Fields Analysis of Erroneous Actions in the Design of Critical Systems
30/8/2001 University of Edinburgh, UK. Dominic Stanyer Redefining the Hyperlink
20/3/2002 University of Nottingham, UK. Konstantinos Nasios Improving Chemical Plant Safety Training Using Virtual Reality
11/4/2002 Aalborg University, Denmark. Mikeal Skov Design of Interactive Narratives: Concepts, Methods and Architectures
20/9/2002 University of Edinburgh, UK. Joao Cavalcanti A Computational Logic Approach for Web Site Synthesis and Management
3/10/2003 Staffordshire University, UK. Dave Trepess A Classification Model for Human Error in Collaborative Systems
18/8/2004 University of Edinburgh, UK. Massimo Felici Observational Models of Requirements Evolution
27/8/2004 University of Toulouse I, France. Carmen Santoro A Task Model-Based Approach for the Design and Evaluation of innovative User Interfaces
21/6/2005 University of Toulouse I, France. Xavier Lacaze Conception Rationalise'e Pour Les Syst`emes Interactifs
21/10/2005 University College Dublin - National University of Ireland. Claire Blackett Combining Accident Analysis Techniques for Organisational Safety
19/12/2005 University of Bath, UK. Iya Solodilova-Whiteley A Design Strategy for Human-System Integration in Aerospace
07/09/2006 University of Virginia, USA. William Greenwell Pandora: An Approach to Analyzing Safety-Related Digital System Failures
19/12/2006 University of Toulouse III, France. Sandra Basnyat A Generic Integrated Modelling Framework for the Analysis, Design and Validation of Interactive Safety-Critical, Error Tolerant Systems
7/11/2008 University of Lancaster, Department of Computing, UK. Oliver Dirk Storz A Distributed Systems Infrastructure for Open Public Display Networks
1/6/2009 University of Leicester, Dept of Criminology, UK. Anthony J. Masys Fratricide in Air Operations: Opening the Black Box and Revealing the Social
27/11/2009 University of Delft, Netherlands. Daniela Hanea Human Risk of Fire: Building a Decision Support Tool Using Bayesian Networks
28/9/2010 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Andreas Lumbe Aas Industrial Application of Human Factors Safety Standards
17/12/2012 Ecole des Mines/ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis, France. Frederic Juglaret Indicateurs et Tableaux de Bord pour la prevention des risques en Sante-Securite au Travail
15/6/2013 School of Aviation, University of New South Wales, Australia. Marek Bekier Automation Acceptance in Air Traffic Management
13/12/2013 School of Risk and Safety Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia. Ibrahim Taib Terminological Similarity Between Medical Error Taxonomies and Incident Reports: Impact on Taxonomy Usability, Reliability and Usefulness for Preventing Medical Errors
15/12/2013 Vetronics Research Centre, School of Computing Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brighton, UK Aditya Deshpande Vetronics Systems Integration: Survivability Strategies for Future Modular Vetronics Architectures
29/1/2014 Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands Luca Del Frate Failure: Analysis of an Engineering Concept
9/3/2015 School of Computing and Communications, University of Lancaster Syed Asad Ali Naqvi The Grounded Incident Fault Theories Method
5/8/2015 Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton Ezzat Hamed Alqurashi The Viable System Model for Information Security Governance
3/10/2016 University of Delft, Netherlands Willem R. Beukenkamp Securing Safety: Resilience Time as a Hidden Critical Factor
17/10/2016 University of Oxford, UK Martin Stohmeier Security in Next Generation Air Traffic Communication Networks
25/9/2018 De Montford University, UK Allan Cook Establishing Cyber Situational Awareness in Industrial Control Systems
22/2/2019 University of Oxford, UK Matthew Smith Investigating Security and Privacy in Wireless Avionic Communications
3/2019 Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Sofia Belikovetsky Cyber Security Challenges and Opportunities in Additive Manufacturing
15/3/2019 Florida Institute of Technology, USA Sharon Chinoy Human Centred Enterprise Resource Maintenance Management
7/2019 University of Jyvaskla, Finland Hannu Karvonen User Experience Goals as Part of Safety-Critical Systems Design


Date University Name Title
17/7/1999 University of South Africa, RSA. Tobias van Dyk, MSc - Usability and Internet Banking
12/12/2006 University of Paisley, Scotland. John C. Hodgson, MPhil - The Evaluation and Quantfication of the Effects Between Multiple User Interface Properties in an Industrial Environment

External Examiner for Courses

Date University Course
1998-2002 Applied Computing,
University of Dundee.
BSc. Applied Computing
2000-2003 Dept. of Computing Science, Staffordshire University. MRes HCI
2001-2004 Dept. of Computing Science, University of York. M.Sc. in Information Processing
BSc Information Technology, Business Management and Language
2001-2004 Dept. of Management Studies, University of York. BSc/BA Management, Information Technology and Language
2001-2005 Dept of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham. M.Sc. in Communication, Computer and Human Centred Systems
2003-2006 Dept. of Computing Science, University of Newcastle. BSc/BA Computing Science
BSc Information Systems
2006-2010 Dept. of Air Transport, Cranfield University. MSc in Safety and Accident Investigation
2006-2010 University of Ulster. BA Hons/BSc Hons Business Studies with Computing (DIS)
2006-2010 University of Bath. MSc Human Communication and Computing
2008-2009 Applied Computing,
University of Dundee.
('extraordinary request')
BSc. Applied Computing
2013-2016 Informatics,
University of Edinburgh.
2016- Aerospace Vehicle Design,
Cranfield University.
2018- Cyber Masters Courses,
National Defence Academy Shrivenham.

Revised 10/2016