Adrian Williamson and Robert Ward


"I suspect you're becoming more and more human all the time."
"Captain, I see no reason to stand here and be insulted."
Kirk and Spock, "The Devil in the Dark", Star Trek the Original Series.

An analogy of computer use and management history is used to provide insight into the need for, and the possible benefits of, taking a more subjective, emotional view of users and Interactive Systems. A brief resume of the Transactional Analysis Model from Behavioural Psychology will be given. The model is then used to analyse the interaction from an email discussion list, and between two Subjects and a computer application. This analysis illustrates how the model can be applied to the study of emotion within Interactive Systems, and used to inform the Design Process. The conclusions will also comment on the nature of current interfaces and their creators.

Keywords: Emotion, Interactive Systems, Usability, Human Computer Interaction, Transactional Analysis.