Chris Johnson, Dept. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow Using ICS to Model Interaction with Computer Games</a

Using ICS to Model Interaction with Computer Games

Chris Johnson, Dept. of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.


Neale, Malone, Carroll have all argued that we need to learn from the successful aspects of arcade and video games. However, we know very little about how to transfer successful aspects of computer games into more general human computer interfaces. Heuristics can be difficult to apply. For example, Neale's argument that we should increase the users' "sense of control" is not at a level that can easily be used to inform the detailed design of human computer interfaces. There is also a chance that such heuristics may ignore the cognitive, perceptual and physiological features that contribute to such a sense of control within particular games. This talk will describe initial attempts to use Barnard's Interacting Cognitive Subsystems to transfer leading techniques from computer games into other forms of interaction.

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