NB - this takes place in our overflow slot: Friday 27th 12.30-1.45 (conference room) Title: Planner: A talk and demonstration on the development of an interactive multimedia tutorial on project planning. Abstract:- Planner is a computer aided learning package that introduces the user to the concepts and techniques of analysis and planning. The package was developed during a two project in the Dept of Computing and Info Systems at the University of Paisley. The package provides a platform for users to consider, investigate and structure a topic or proposed project, by breaking it down into main issues or headings and then further sub dividing these into sub ideas or sub headings. Planner was developed on an Apple Macintosh using Allegiant Technologies' SuperCard. A mixture of still video images, photographic scans, specially designed graphics and animations were used to annotate and illustrate the subject matter, and provide the user with a more stimulating learning environment.