Reuters Research, Standards and Policies group


Room F161

A representative group from Reuters Research, Standards and Policies group will give a presentation, followed by a discussion, consisting of an overview of their operation followed by more detailed accounts of their corporate views on the emerging technologies of Java and XML. This presentation is strongly recommended - these are serious technical people in an extremely interesting corporate role. Reuters, although best known as a news-gathering agency, is actually primarily a high-technology company dealing with rapid global information exchange, especially in financial markets.

Richard Willis (15 minutes)
What is Reuters What the Reuters' Research and Standards Group do Why the Research and Standards Group are in Scotland

Nic Fulton
XML How Reuters are using XML How Reuters expect to use XML

Miles Whitehead
What Reuters expect to gain from a Java based approach to development Perils of early adoption Productivity Performance Portability What Reuters have learnt from a Java based approach to development Java and XML Future plans for Java within Reuters

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