Papers on the CIRCUS website. These have not been refereed. The numbers refer to positions in the CIRCUS list on the text-only website

14, J. Patterson "The Warp factory" (October 18th 1998)

8, J. Patterson "In-betweening" (October 18th 1998)

15, J. Patterson, "'Creative Pull' of Style and Technology Together in an Animation Project" (October 18th 1998)

7, J. Patterson "Models Into Movies" (December 10th 1998)

2, J. Patterson "Sleepwalking into the Future" (Original Presentation: Oct 20 1999, revised December 20th 2000)

1, 4 J. Patterson "The Exploitation of Vertical Markets to Support Entertainment Products (Original presentation December 2000, revised Jan 29th 2001)


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