public class BTree { Node root; public BTree(){root = null;} // // A BTree is a root node, possibly empty. See // for details of a Node public boolean isEmpty(){return root==null;} // // Is the BTree empty? // public Node getRoot(){return root;} // // Deliver the Node that is the root of the BTree // public void add(int e){ if (isEmpty()) root = new Node(e); else add(e,root); } // // Add the integer e into the BTree if it is not // already there! Note the call to add(e,root) and it's // definition below. // // NOTE: the BTree is ordered, such that for any Node x // x.getLeft().getData() < x.getData() and // x.getData() < x.getRight().getData() // // HINT: You might want to use add(e) and add(e,x) as templates // for other methods // private void add(int e,Node x){ if (x.getLeft()==null && ex.getData()) // (3) x.setRight(new Node(e)); // (4) else if (ex.getData()) // (7) add(e,x.getRight()); // (8) } // // Add the integer e into the binary tree of Nodes rooted at // Node x. // (1) if the current node x has an empty left and e is // less than the data in x, set the left of x to be // a new leaf Node with e as data // (3) if node x has an empty right and e is greater than // the data in x, set right of x to be a new leaf Node // with e as data // (5) e is less than data in x AND left is not empty, so ... // (6) go do the addition of e into the left subtree! This // is done via the recursive call add(e,x.getleft()) // (7) e is greater than the data in x AND right is not empty, so ... // (8) go do the addition of e into the right subtree! This // is done via the recursive call add(e,x.getRight()) // public String toString(){return toString(root);} private String toString(Node n){ if (n==null) return "*"; else return "(" + toString(n.getLeft()) + n.getData() + toString(n.getRight()) + ")"; } // // A Btree looks like this ... // (0) If it is empty we print * // (1) A leaf Node with data, say data = 5, is printed as (*5*) // That is, it has no left and no right subtree // (2) A node with data 5, and a left subtree with one leaf Node with // data = 3 and a right subtree with one leaf node with data = 7 // is printed as ((*3*)5(*7*)) // // // Define the methods below. See the Readme file for more info // and the file trace // public int size(){return Integer.MIN_VALUE;} // // Delivers the number of Nodes in the BTree // public int sum(){return Integer.MIN_VALUE;} // // Delivers the accumulation of the data in the tree // public int max(){return Integer.MIN_VALUE;} // // Delivers the largest data in the BTree. // If the BTree is empty deliver the smallest // integer value Integer.MIN_VALUE // // NOTE: the BTree is ordered and this should be exploited // i.e. the entire BTree need not be explored! // public boolean isPresent(int e){return false;} // // Delivers true if there is a Node in the BTree // with data == e, false otherwise. // // NOTE: the BTree is ordered and this should be exploited // i.e. the entire BTree need not be explored! // public int height(){return Integer.MIN_VALUE;} // // Return the (integer) height of the BTree. If the // BTree is empty deliver Integer.MIN_VALUE // }