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Class jdsl.core.algo.sorts.ArraySelectionSort


public class ArraySelectionSort
extends Object
implements SortObject

Constructor Index

 o ArraySelectionSort()

Method Index

 o sort(Sequence, Comparator)
Perform selection-sort, assuming the Sequence is based on a vector.

The sort proceeds by finding the minimum of what's left, and inserting it at the end of the sorted part of the sequence.


 o ArraySelectionSort
 public ArraySelectionSort()


 o sort
 public void sort(Sequence S,
                  Comparator c)
Perform selection-sort, assuming the Sequence is based on a vector.

The sort proceeds by finding the minimum of what's left, and inserting it at the end of the sorted part of the sequence.

The sort is in-place: the first i elements are sorted, the remainder are not.

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