import java.util.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("\nStringList Tester (version 20170106"); System.out.println("type help for help"); String commands = " add (+): add to the front of l1 a new string \n" + " append (app): append to the end of list l1 the list l2 \n"+ " count (c): deliver number occurances of a given string in l1 \n"+ " empty (e): is l1 empty? \n"+ " equal (=): are l1 and l2 equal in content and order? \n" + " help: help \n"+ " insert (ins): insert a string in lex order into l1 \n" + " indexOf (ind): get the index of first occurrence \n" + " last: deliver the last node in l1 \n"+ " get: deliver the string in the get position (0 is first position) \n"+ " present (p): is a given string present in l1?\n"+ " quit (q): terminate Test \n" + " remove (rem/-): remove a given string from l1 \n"+ " replace (repl): replace occurrences of s1 with s2 \n"+ " reverse (rev): l1 becomes the reverse of l1 \n"+ " show: shows l1 and then l2 \n"+ " size: the size of l1 \n"+ " toggle (tog): swap l1 with l2"; Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.print("> "); String command =; String s = ""; int n = 0; StringList l1, l2, lTemp; l1 = new StringList(); l2 = new StringList(); while (!command.equals("quit") && !command.equals("q")){ if (command.equals("help")) System.out.println(commands); if (command.equals("size")) System.out.println(l1.size()); if (command.equals("empty") || command.equals("e")) System.out.println(l1.isEmpty()); if (command.equals("equal") || command.equals("=")) System.out.println(l1.equal(l2)); if (command.equals("remove") || command.equals("rem") || command.equals("-")){ System.out.print(">> "); s =; l1.remove(s); System.out.println(l1); } if (command.equals("replace") || command.equals("repl")){ System.out.print("first string >> "); String s1 =; System.out.print("second string >> "); String s2 =; l1.replace(s1,s2); System.out.println(l1); } if (command.equals("add") || command.equals("+")){ System.out.print(">> "); s =; l1.addFront(s); System.out.println(l1); } if (command.equals("insert") || command.equals("ins")){ System.out.print(">> "); s =; l1.insert(s); System.out.println(l1); } if (command.equals("present") || command.equals("p")){ System.out.print(">> "); s =; System.out.println(l1.isPresent(s)); } if (command.equals("count") || command.equals("c")){ System.out.print(">> "); s =; System.out.println(l1.count(s)); } if (command.equals("reverse") || command.equals("rev")){ l1 = l1.reverse(); System.out.println(l1); } if (command.equals("get")){ System.out.print(">> "); n = sc.nextInt(); System.out.println(l1.get(n)); } if (command.equals("indexOf") || command.equals("ind")){ System.out.print(">> "); s =; System.out.println(l1.indexOf(s)); } if (command.equals("last")) System.out.println(l1.last()); if (command.equals("append") || command.equals("app")){ l1.append(l2); System.out.println(l1); } if (command.equals("show")){ System.out.println("l1: "+ l1); System.out.println("l2: "+ l2); } if (command.equals("toggle") || command.equals("tog")){ lTemp = l1; l1 = l2; l2 = lTemp; System.out.println(l1); } System.out.print("> "); command =; } } }