Marking Guidelines for Exercise ex04 ------------------------------------ Assessed exercise 4 is available here The exercise is in 2 parts, the first to implement the Heap data structure, the second to use the Heap to sort data, i.e. HeapSort The exercise is marked out of 100: 80 marks for first part and 20 marks for the second Marking of -------------------- Use the Test program and then do a unit marking with HeapMarker. Marking guidelines are as follows: - Marks will be given for unit testing with the HeapMarker. - Marks will be given for code that is efficient. - You will also get marks if your code is "nice, neat, fat-free, pretty, good variable names, etc" - You will also get marks for commented code (i.e. comment your code and do it wisely). Marking of HeapSort -------------------- Test using the data*.txt files in the directory ... and yes, you should be able to do the following >java HeapSort Marking guidelines are as follows: - Maximum of 5 marks if the program does as specified - Maximum of 15 mark if code is efficient, nice, neat, fat-free, pretty, good variable names, etc Patrick