From: Patrick Prosser Sent: 06 November 2010 21:43 To: Cc: Patrick Prosser Subject: Problems, problems, problems ... 20 problems Attachments: dictionary.txt 1. Test for primality: read in a number and deliver true if number is prime 2. GCD, read two numbers and print out greatest common divisor 3. Set theory: given 2 arrays representing sets implement the following functions - isMember, subset, union, intersection, setDifference, Carteasian product 4. Given an array find largest & smallest element, mean, and standard deviation 5. Given two strings S1 and S2 determine if S1 is a substring of S2 6. Given a word S1 and an an array of strings S determine number of times S1 occurs in S (i.e. frequency of S1 in S) 7. Given an array of strings find most frequently occuring string (uses 6 above) 8. Given an array of integers sort into non-decreasing order. 9. Find the median of a list of unsorted integers (see 8 above) 10. Given a string S, reverse it. 11. Using the Havel Hakimi algorithm determine if a given degree sequence is graphical, as might be done to determine if a molecular equation is legal (naaaw, only kidding :) 12. Given a string produce all permutations of that string, i.e. all possible rearrangements of S (kidding :) 13. Given a set S, produce the power set, i.e. all possible subsets of S (naaaw, kidding) 14. Given two strings S1 and S2 find the longest common substring within S1 and S2, as used in genetics (kidding :) 15. Read in a boolean formula in disjunctive normal form and determine if it is true or false. Do this in polynomial time (and win $1,000,000) 16. Read in a string of zeros and one, i.e. a binary string, and output the decimal equivalent 17. Read in two strings S1 and S2 of zeros and ones, representing sets, such that S_i[j] = 1 if and only if j is in set S_i Implement union, intersection, set difference 18. Read in a set of n points given as (x,y) coordinates . Starting at the 1st point visit all of the points once and once only returning to the starting point covering the shortest distance 19. Read in the dictionary (attached). Read in a word from the keyboard and test if it is in the dictionary. This is a spelling checker. This could help in a crossword puzzle, or scrabble, or writing an essay. 20. Read in a set of m pairs of the form (i,j), meaning that "i is related to j", then read in two numbers p1 and p2 and determine if there is a path from p1 to p2 using the edges. This is similar to friends in facebook or finding a path through a maze, or finding a path in the internet, etc. Also, we could find the shortest path from p1 to p2, i.e. using least edges -- Patrick Prosser tel: +44 141 330 4934 Computing Science fax: +44 141 330 4913 University of Glasgow web: Glasgow G12 8RZ email: