# This is the configuration file for the stochastic replication of Ovaskainen and Hanski 2000. # In this experiment, we are focusing on steady state population size #------------------------------------------------------# ######## ---- General experiment parameters ---- ####### #------------------------------------------------------# OUTPUT_FOLDER=/Users/rebeccamancy/Dropbox/PhD/programming/LambdaM_Stochastic/output INPUT_FOLDER=/Users/rebeccamancy/Dropbox/PhD/programming/LambdaM_Stochastic/output #-------------------------------------------------------------# ######## ---- Parameters for setting up landscapes ---- ####### #-------------------------------------------------------------# # Window parameters MinX=0 MaxX=5 MinY=0 MaxY=5 # Numbers of patches to simulate NUM_PATCHES=[2,4,8,16,32,64,128] # Total patch area TOT_AREA=6.25 # Number of replicate landscapes (i.e. sets of patch centres) NUM_LANDSCAPES=100 #--------------------------------------------------------------# ######## ---- Simulation-related parameters (fixed) ---- ####### #--------------------------------------------------------------# # QSD parameters NUM_SEQS=10 TIME_WINDOW_LENGTH=500 NUM_DRAWS=200 RHAT_THRESHOLD=0.1 # Maximum number of states to index in the QSD MAX_INDEXED=65536 TICKRATE=0.1 NUM_RAND_JUMPS=5 # Time-to-extinction simulation parameters # Maximum time to run the simulation until (an integer) MAX_TIME=100 NUM_REPS=1000 # Number of extinction paths that are stored to output NUM_PATHS=20 OUTPUT_TYPE=TIME_UNTIL_EXTINCTION # OUTPUT PARAMETERS # Whether or not to display an image of the current status using StdDraw DISPLAY=false TRACE=false HEADERS=true #-----------------------------------------------------------# ######## ---- Dynamically-constructed parameters ---- ####### #-----------------------------------------------------------# # Model parameters # eParam = extinction parameter for species; cParam = colonisation param for species # alpha = 1/mean migration distance cParam=0.5 eParam=1 alpha=0.5 # NON_EXTINCT_STATES=[1] # Parameters for how to set up carrying capacity of patches initially (and parameters for the distribution) #K_INIT=logNormal #K_SCALE=0 #K_SHAPE=0.8