import java.util.*; import*; /** * An example of use of the TSP class. The program takes as a command line argument * the name of a tsp file. The program then goes through a number of iterations * producing a random tour via a Knuth shuffle. This is costed and if better than * the best found so far, it is saved. The user is then prompted to continue. On * quiting the best tour is saved in the file bestTour.txt */ public class RandomSearch { static void shuffle(int[] tour,Random generator){ for (int i=tour.length-1;i>0;i--){ int j = generator.nextInt(i+1); int temp = tour[i]; tour[i] = tour[j]; tour[j] = temp; } } // // Knuth shuffle // public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String commands = "\nRandomSearch (version 8136590274) \n" + "help, go, point, quit"; System.out.println(commands); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; TSP tsp = new TSP(args[0]); int n = tsp.size(); int[] tour = new int[n]; int[] bestTour = new int[n]; double tourCost = 0.0; double bestCost = Double.MAX_VALUE; Random gen = new Random(); PrintWriter fout = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("bestTour.txt")); for (int i=0;i "); String command =; while (!command.equals("quit") && !command.equals("q")){ if (command.equals("help") || command.equals("h")) System.out.println(commands); if (command.equals("point")){ System.out.print("point size> "); tsp.setPointSize(sc.nextInt()); } if (command.equals("go")){ for (int iterations=0;iterations<100;iterations++){ shuffle(tour,gen); tourCost = tsp.cost(tour); if (tourCost < bestCost){ bestCost = tourCost; for (int i=0;i "); command =; } for (int i=0;i