import java.util.*; public class Node { private String element; private Node left; private Node right; private Node parent; /**Creates a node with null references to its element and next node */ public Node(){ this("",null,null,null); } /** Creates a node with the given element, left, right, and parent*/ public Node(String e, Node left,Node right,Node parent){ this.element = e; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.parent = parent; } public String element(){return element;} public Node left(){return left;} public Node right(){return right;} public Node parent(){return parent;} public void setElement(String s){this.element = s;} public boolean setLeft(Node x){this.left = x; if (x != null) x.setParent(this); return true;} public boolean setRight(Node x){this.right = x; if (x != null) x.setParent(this); return true;} public void setParent(Node x){this.parent = x;} private int degree(){ int degree = 0; if (left != null) degree++; if (right != null) degree++; return degree; } public boolean isRoot(){return parent == null;} public boolean isLeaf(){return degree() == 0;} public boolean isInternal(){return degree() == 2;} public boolean isLeftChild(){return parent.left() == this;} public boolean isRightChild(){return parent.right() == this;} public boolean hasLeft(){return left != null;} public boolean hasRight(){return right != null;} private Node getMin(){ Node x = this; while (x.left() != null) x = x.left(); return x; } // // deliver the node with smallest element in the subtree rooted on this // private void deleteNotInternal(){ Node v = parent(); if (isRightChild() && left() == null) v.setRight(right()); else if (isRightChild() && right() == null) v.setRight(left()); else if (isLeftChild() && left() == null) v.setLeft(right()); else if (isLeftChild() && right() == null) v.setLeft(left()); } public void delete(){ if (isInternal()){ Node y = right().getMin(); setElement(y.element()); y.deleteNotInternal(); } else deleteNotInternal(); } public boolean insert(String s){ return (s.compareTo(element()) < 0 && hasLeft() && left().insert(s)) || (s.compareTo(element()) > 0 && hasRight() && right().insert(s)) || (s.compareTo(element()) < 0 && !hasLeft() && setLeft(new Node(s,null,null,this))) || (s.compareTo(element()) > 0 && !hasRight() && setRight(new Node(s,null,null,this))); } public boolean isPresent(String s){ return (s.compareTo(element()) == 0) || (s.compareTo(element()) > 0 && hasRight() && right().isPresent(s)) || (s.compareTo(element()) < 0 && hasLeft() && left().isPresent(s)); } public int height(){ if (isLeaf()) return 1; else if (isInternal()) return 1 + Math.max(left.height(),right.height()); else if (hasLeft()) return 1 + left.height(); else return 1 + right.height(); } public Node find(String s){ if (s.compareTo(element()) == 0) return this; else if (s.compareTo(element()) > 0 && hasRight()) return right().find(s); else if (s.compareTo(element()) < 0 && hasLeft()) return left().find(s); else return null; } // // delivers the node that constains string s // public void show(){ System.out.print("("); if (hasLeft()) left().show(); System.out.print("," + element() + ","); if (hasRight()) right().show(); System.out.print(")"); } // // an inorder traversal delivering tree in Caley notation // public String inorder(){ System.out.print(" inorder(");; System.out.println(")"); String s = ""; if (hasLeft()) s = s + left.inorder(); System.out.println(" output: "+ element); s = s + element; if (hasRight()) s = s + right.inorder(); return s; } private void draw(double x,double xLow,double xHi,double y,double dY){ StdDraw.filledCircle(x,y,0.001); double xLeft = (xLow + x)/2.0; double xRight = (x + xHi)/2.0; if (hasLeft()){ StdDraw.line(x,y,xLeft,y+dY); left().draw(xLeft,xLow,x,y+dY,dY); } if (hasRight()){ StdDraw.line(x,y,xRight,y+dY); right().draw(xRight,x,xHi,y+dY,dY); } } public void draw(){ int h = height(); double dY = -1.0 / (double)h; draw(0.5,0.0,1.0,1.0,dY); } // // rescales y-delta for height // }