Choco Solver ChangeLog ====================== This file is dedicated to sum up the new features added and bugs fixed in Choco-solver since the version, 4.0.0. **Note**: double-space is replaced by "\t" character on release process. Make sure the format is ok. 4.0.8 - 23 Jul 2018 ------------------- ### Major features: ### Deprecated API (to be removed in next release): ### Closed issues and pull requests: 4.0.8 - 23 Jul 2018 ------------------- ### Major features: ### Deprecated API (to be removed in next release): ### Closed issues and pull requests: 4.0.7 - 19 Jul 2018 ------------------- **JAR file names have changed**: - the suffix 'with-dependencies' disappears, - the suffix '-no-dep' (for no dependencies) appears. This should intends to clarify the selection for new comers. Add a PayPal button for donations. Move to Ibex-2.6.5. ### Major features: - Revamp `Settings`: no default method anymore, add setters. A concrete class `DefaultSettings` provides the default behavior. - `IViewFactory.intScaleView` now manages negative constants, - `IViewFactory.intAffineView` is now available - add new constraint for mixed linear equation (over real/int variables and double/int coefficients) - Dow/WDeg now manages variables in a bipartite set (instantiated variables are swaped) - Assert that a propagator that is passive is not allowed to filter anymore - An exception is thrown when a sum (or scalar) constraint is candidate for integer over/underflow (an alternative should be provided later) - `BoolVar` now handles modifications in different way (may impact performances) - Propagation engine has changed: no alternative to seven-queue one anymore + simplification of code (may impact performances) - add new relation expression `ift(e1,e2)` ### Deprecated API (to be removed in next release): - `Model.set(Settings)` is deprecated. Now settings are declared in the `Model` constructor. - `Settings.debugPropagation()` is deprecated. There is no alternative. ### Closed issues and pull requests: \#527, #564, #569, #576, #578, #581, #586 4.0.6 - 23 Nov 2017 ------------------- Move to Ibex-2.6.3. ### Major features: - Ibex instance is no longer static, that offers better stability and reduce memory consumption when adding/removing functions. Reification no longer managed by Choco but delegated to Ibex. - `Search.realVarSearch(...)` offers possibility to define minimal range size, known as `epsilon` - `Search.ibexSolving(model)` let Ibex iterates over solutions **once all integer variables are instantiated** - add detection of min/max sub-cases - add simple dashboard in Swing to show resolution statistics, see `solver.showDashboard()` ### Deprecated API (to be removed in next release): - `IntEqRealConstraint` will be removed in next release, Ibex managed this concept (int to real) - `Model.getIbex()` should not be used. A `IbexHandler` manages Ibex instances (one per model). ### Closed issues and pull requests: \#558, #561, #565, #566, #568, #570 4.0.5 - 28 Sep 2017 ------------------- The current release was submitted to [MiniZinc Challenge 2017]( and at [XCSP3 Competition 2017]( and won medals. [choco-parsers]( provides utility to export a `Model` to JSON format and or import JSON data into a `Model`. ### Major features: - Compact-Table now deals with short tuples (#531) - Checking if a created constraint is free (neither posted or reified) is now possible with `Settings.checkDeclaredConstraints()` - Improvements on BoolVarImpl and BoolNotView. - Remove code deprecated in last release. - Fix error in Views. - Add scalar detection in `BiReExpression` - fix errors in Impact-based Search - update Search.intVarSearch() + Search.defaultSearch(Model) - update ParallelPortfolio default strategies ### Deprecated API (to be removed in next release): ### Closed issues and pull requests: - fix bug in `PropNogoods` when dealing with negative values (impact `solver..setNoGoodRecordingFromRestarts()` and `solver..setNoGoodRecordingFromSolutions(...)`) - fix bug in `model.sum(...)` and `model.scalar(...)` when dealing with arity greater than 100 and all operators except `=` - fix bug in `model.table(...)` with binary scope and universal value - fix bug related to Ibex and GC. \#531 ,#545, #546. 4.0.4 - 28 Apr 2017 ------------------- ### Major features: - add logical operator to expression (#520). Now it is possible, f-ex., to declare expression like: ```x.eq(y.add(1)).or(x.eq(y).and(x.eq(1)))``` - add new API to `Solver` to print features in a single line - enable ignoring passivate propagators when iterating over propagators of a modified variable (false by default; see Settings) ### Deprecated API (to be removed in next release): - `IPropagationEngine.fails(c,v,m)` is replaced by `Solver.throwsException(c,v,m)` (#524) - `IPropagationEngine.getContradictionException()` is replaced by `Solver.getContradictionException()` (#524) - `MathUtils.bounds(values)` is replaced by a call to `MathUtils.min(values)` and `MathUtils.max(values)` ### Remove dead code: - SparseSet - IFeatures, Features, IAttribute and Attribute ### Closed issues and pull requests: \#516, #517, #518, #519, #520, #521, #524. 4.0.3 - 31 Mar 2017 ------------------- ### Major features: - `arithm(IntVar,String,IntVar,String,int)` and `arithm(IntVar,String,IntVar,String,IntVar)` manage '*' and '/' - add new APIs to `ArrayUtils` - fix error in `PropBoolMin` and `PropBoolMax` ### Deprecated API: ### Closed issues and pull requests: \#500, #502, #507, #510, #512, #514, #515. 4.0.2 - 20 Jan 2017 ------------------- ### Major features: - restrict calls to `Solver.setEngine(...)` when propagation started. See javadoc for details. - remove global constructive disjunction, only local constructive disjunction is allowed. - add `Solution.restore()` to restore a solution (#354). - deep reset of `Solver` (#490, #491) ### Deprecated API: - `Solver.getState()` (#485) - `Measures.IN_SEC` (related to #486) - `Settings.outputWithANSIColors`, `IOutputFactory.ANSI_*` - `IMoveFactory.setLubyRestart(int, int, ICounter, int)` ### Closed issues and pull requests: \#468, #479, #480, #481, #484, #487, #488, #489, #492, #493, #494, #495, #496, #497, #499. 4.0.1 - 16 Dec 2016 ------------------- 4.0.0 - 13 Sep 2016 -------------------