// // How many solutions are there to the equation // x + y + z = 11 where x,y,z in [0..11] // // Prove result is correct. // import static choco.Choco.*; import choco.cp.model.CPModel; import choco.cp.solver.CPSolver; import choco.kernel.model.Model; import choco.kernel.solver.Solver; import choco.kernel.solver.ContradictionException; import choco.kernel.model.variables.integer.IntegerExpressionVariable; import choco.kernel.model.variables.integer.IntegerVariable; public class XYZ11 { public static void main(String[] args) { Model m = new CPModel(); int n = 11; IntegerVariable x = makeIntVar("x",0,n); IntegerVariable y = makeIntVar("y",0,n); IntegerVariable z = makeIntVar("z",0,n); System.out.println(x.pretty()); m.addConstraint(eq(sum(new IntegerVariable[]{x,y,z}),11)); Solver s = new CPSolver(); s.read(m); s.solve(true); System.out.println("feasible: " + s.isFeasible()); System.out.println("nbSol: " + s.getNbSolutions()); } }