Research Activities

My primary research interest is in the design, implementation and evaluation of high level parallel and distributed functional languages. I supervise a team of researchers in the area as part of the Glasgow Parallelism Group (GPG).

Long Term Research Activities

Some longer term research activities, and collaborations are as follows.

* I helped design and build Glasgow Parallel Haskell (GpH). It's one of the early robust parallel functional languages, and remains one of the most widely used parallel Haskell models, e.g. the most popular Haskell compiler, GHC supports it on multicores. The sophisticated GUM runtime system supports GpH on distributed-memory machines like clusters.

* I helped design and build Haskell distributed parallel Haskell (HdpH). It's a parallel Haskell for large scale distributed-memory machines like clusters or HPC platforms. Crucially, HdpH is implemented in vanilla (GHC) Haskell.

* I'm active in national and international networks of excellence. For example co-leading the MaRIONet UK Manycore Research Network, being a stakeholder and member of the European High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC), and a member of the UK Memory Management Network.

Programme Committees and Journals

* I serve on programme committees, including

I occasionally guest edit Journal issues, e.g. Special Issue on Functional High-Performance Parallel Programming. Journal of Functional Programming 15(3).

* I also help organise various conferences and meetings including