Example of an assembler question for the cs2 exam




3 a) Explain briefly the effect of the following instructions on a PIC microprocessor. [4]


   i)   bcf 2,3

   ii)  comf 21,1

   iii) incf 11,0

   iv)  andlw B'11001111'                  



   i) clear bit 3 of register 2

   ii) reg[21]:= ~ reg[21]

   iii) w:= reg[11]+1

   iv)  w:=w and  207


  b) Provide a diagram of the datapaths and functional units in a PIC microprocessor  

    labeling your  buses.                                                           [4]

















  c)  With reference to your diagram supplied for part b, identify which

      buses are active for the following instructions        [4]


i)                addwf 12,1


ii)            retlw 7



i.                phase 1: const bus addresses registers, r, a,b busses feed alu; phase 2: const bus addresses registers, result bus goes to content of registers

ii.            const bus fed through b bus to alu, then via result bus to w reg. Simultaneously stack popped into pc



 d) Translate the following pseudo code into PIC assembler                            [8]

    State assumptions made about your parameter passing mechanism.


        --- Return true if the array is sorted in ascending order

        procedure isSorted(a:array[1..4] of byte):boolean;

        variable x:byte;


            x:= a[1];

            for i:= 1 to 4 do

                  if a[i]<x then return false



            return true


assume parameter passed in w

      movwf a ; save parameter

      movwf fsr

      movfw indir

      movwf x      ; x:=a[i]

      movlw 4

      movwf I      ; initialise count


      movfw indir  ; get array element

      subwf x,0   

      btfsc status,carry

      retlw 0      ; if a[i]<x return false

      incf fsr,1   ; address next array value

      movfw indir

      movwf x      ; x gets next array value

      decfsz i

      goto again

      retlw 1      ; return true