Digital Image Processing

Matlab familiarisation exercises.

1.(a) Interactively load the image grey1.jpg from this directory into a matlab array.

   (b) Display it as a mirror image

   ( c) Display it as a negative image

   (d) Display it as a black and white image, i.e., no shades of grey



2. MATLAB does not have a function to determine which elements of an array are even numbers (i.e., . . . -4, -2, 0, 2, 4 , . . .). Write a function for this purpose, with the following specifications:

function E = iseven(A)

%ISEVEN Determines which elements of an array are even numbers.

% E = ISEVEN(A) returns a logical array, E, of the same size as A,

% with 1s (TRUE) in the locations corresponding to even numbers

% (i.e., . . . -3, -1, 0, 2, 4, . . . )in A, and 0s (FALSE) elsewhere.

% A must be a numeric array.

Use of while or for loops is not allowed.  Hint: Become familiar with function floor.



3. Write an M-function with the following specifications:

function H = scircle(R, S)

%SCIRCLE Generates a circle inside a square.

% H = SCIRCLE(R, S) generates a circle of radius R centered

% on a  square of edge S. H is a binary image with

% 1s in the circle and 0s elsewhere. R,S must be  integers >= 1.

Your program must check the validity of R and also it should check to make sure that the specified circle fits in the given square. Use of for or while loops is not permitted. Hint: Review function

meshgrid and become familiar with function floor.