{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST, FILE=CONF159, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:This test checks the set operators, with random values. } { } { This test is applied to a larger set size since optimization may } { have been employed for small sets of 6 elements; an exhaustive } { test is too expensive in computation time. } { } { Modification History : } { V4.0: Size of set lowered. } { V5.2: File header comments reformatted and file name added to } { TEST line and output lines. } { } program CONF159(output); const Big = 127; Reps = 100; type IT = 0..Big; IsetType = set of IT; IvecType = array[IT] of boolean; var j : IT; s1,s2 : IsetType; vr,v1,v2 : IvecType; count : 1..Reps; ix : integer; error : boolean; procedure DoIt; procedure Union(var aa:IvecType; var ab,ac:IvecType); var i:IT; begin for i:=0 to Big do aa[i]:=ab[i] or ac[i] end; procedure Intersection(var aa:IvecType; var ab,ac:IvecType); var i:IT; begin for i:=0 to Big do aa[i]:=ab[i] and ac[i] end; procedure Difference(var aa:IvecType; var ab,ac:IvecType); var i:IT; begin for i:=0 to Big do aa[i]:=ab[i] and not ac[i] end; procedure Check(SetOfI:IsetType; var VecOfI:IvecType); var i:IT; begin for i:=0 to Big do if VecOfI[i] then begin if not (i in SetOfI) then error:=true end else if (i in SetOfI) then error:=true end; begin { of body of DoIt } Union (vr,v1,v2); Check(s1+s2,vr); Intersection(vr,v1,v2); Check(s1*s2,vr); Difference (vr,v1,v2); Check(s1-s2,vr) end; procedure Zap(var ba:IsetType; var bb:IvecType); var cc : IT; function random : integer; var ni,k,r:integer; begin k:=ix div 177; r:=ix-k*177; ni:=-2*k+171*r; if ni<0 then ix:=ni+30269 else ix:=ni; random:=ix end; begin { of body of Zap } cc:=random mod (Big+1); ba:=ba+[cc]; bb[cc]:=true; { Add member, if not present } cc:=random mod (Big+1); ba:=ba-[cc]; bb[cc]:=false; { Remove member, if present } end; begin ix:=12; error:=false; s1:=[]; for j:=0 to Big do v1[j]:=false; s2:=[]; for j:=0 to Big do v2[j]:=false; for count:=1 to Reps do begin DoIt; Zap(s1,v1); Zap(s2,v2) end; if not error then writeln(' PASS... (CONF159)') else writeln(' FAIL... (CONF159)') end.