{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST, FILE=CONF072, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:This test checks that packed non-text local files are processed } {:correctly. } { } { This test explores the reading and writing of files of type other } { than text (or file of char) to establish that they are } { implemented. Test patterns are written and read back in a series } { of test procedures. This test involves packed unstructured types. } { } { Modification History : } { V4.0: Comment corrected. } { V5.2: File header comments reformatted and file name added to } { TEST line and output lines. } { } program CONF072(output); var ix,iy,iz : integer; result : (pass,fail); function random : real; { For full description of operation see commentary of test } var ni,k,r:integer; x:real; begin k:=ix div 177; r:=ix-k*177; ni:=-2*k+171*r; if ni<0 then ix:=ni+30269 else ix:=ni; k:=ix div 176; r:=ix-k*176; ni:=-35*k + r*172; if ni<0 then ix:=ni+30307 else ix:=ni; k:=ix div 178; r:=ix-k*178; ni:=-63*k + r*170; if ni<0 then ix:=ni+30323 else ix:=ni; x:=ix/30269.0 + iy/30307.0 + iz/30323.0; random:=x-trunc(x) end; procedure Booleans; const Limit=100; var f : packed file of Boolean; a : Boolean; i : 1..Limit; j : 0..maxint; begin rewrite(f); a:=false; for i:=1 to Limit do begin f^:=a; put(f); a:=not(a) end; reset(f); j:=0; a:=false; while not eof(f) do begin if f^<>a then result:=fail; j:=succ(j); get(f); a:=not(a) end; if j<>Limit then result:=fail end; procedure EnumeratedTypes; const Limit=100; type FourCycle = (P,Q,R,S); var f : packed file of FourCycle; a : FourCycle; i : 1..Limit; j : 0..maxint; function cycle(z:FourCycle):FourCycle; begin if z=s then cycle:=P else cycle:=succ(z) end; begin rewrite(f); a:=P; for i:=1 to Limit do begin f^:=a; put(f); a:=cycle(a) end; reset(f); j:=0; a:=P; while not eof(f) do begin if f^<>a then result:=fail; j:=succ(j); get(f); a:=cycle(a) end; if j<>Limit then result:=fail end; procedure Integers; const Limit=99; var f : packed file of integer; a : integer; i : 1..Limit; j : 0..maxint; function next:integer; begin next:=trunc(((2*random)-1)*maxint) end; begin rewrite(f); ix:=1; iy:=10001; iz:=4987; a:=next; for i:=1 to Limit do begin f^:=a; put(f); a:=next end; reset(f); j:=0; ix:=1; iy:=10001; iz:=4987; a:=next; while not eof(f) do begin if f^<>a then result:=fail; j:=succ(j); get(f); a:=next end; if j<>Limit then result:=fail end; procedure Reals; const Limit=113; var f : packed file of real; a : real; i : 1..Limit; j : 0..maxint; function next:real; begin next:=random end; begin rewrite(f); ix:=1; iy:=10001; iz:=4987; a:=next; for i:=1 to Limit do begin f^:=a; put(f); a:=next end; reset(f); j:=0; ix:=1; iy:=10001; iz:=4987; a:=next; while not eof(f) do begin if f^<>a then result:=fail; j:=succ(j); get(f); a:=next end; if j<>Limit then result:=fail end; procedure SubrangeOfInteger; const One =1; Prime=13; Limit=97; type Primal = One..Prime; var f : packed file of Primal; a : Primal; i : 1..Limit; j : 0..maxint; function cycle(z:Primal):Primal; begin if z=One then cycle:=Prime else cycle:=pred(z) end; begin rewrite(f); a:=One; for i:=1 to Limit do begin f^:=a; put(f); a:=cycle(a) end; reset(f); j:=0; a:=One; while not eof(f) do begin if f^<>a then result:=fail; j:=succ(j); get(f); a:=cycle(a) end; if j<>Limit then result:=fail end; begin result:=pass; { anticipatory } Booleans; Integers; Reals; EnumeratedTypes; SubrangeOfInteger; if result=pass then writeln(' PASS... (CONF072)') else writeln(' FAIL... (CONF072)') end.