{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST, FILE=CONF076, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:This test contains six simultaneous open files. } { } { The Standard permits any number of file variables; this test } { writes to six files simultaneously to check that any limit imposed } { by an implementation is not ridiculously small. } { } { Modification History : } { V3.1: New test. } { V5.2: File header comments reformatted and file name added to } { TEST line and output lines. } { } program CONF076(output); const Limit=47; type FourCycle = (P,Q,R,S); FileKind = file of FourCycle; var a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 : FileKind; result : (pass,fail); a : FourCycle; i : 1..Limit; function cycle(z:FourCycle):FourCycle; begin if z=S then cycle:=p else cycle:=succ(z) end; begin result:=pass; { anticipatory } { Write six files } rewrite(a0); rewrite(a1); rewrite(a2); rewrite(a3); rewrite(a4); rewrite(a5); a:=P; for i:=1 to Limit do begin case i mod 6 of 0: begin a0^:=a; put(a0) end; 1: begin a1^:=a; put(a1) end; 2: begin a2^:=a; put(a2) end; 3: begin a3^:=a; put(a3) end; 4: begin a4^:=a; put(a4) end; 5: begin a5^:=a; put(a5) end end; a:=cycle(a) end; { Check by reading back } reset(a0); reset(a1); reset(a2); reset(a3); reset(a4); reset(a5); a:=P; for i:=1 to Limit do begin case i mod 6 of 0: begin if a0^<>a then result:=fail; get(a0) end; 1: begin if a1^<>a then result:=fail; get(a1) end; 2: begin if a2^<>a then result:=fail; get(a2) end; 3: begin if a3^<>a then result:=fail; get(a3) end; 4: begin if a4^<>a then result:=fail; get(a4) end; 5: begin if a5^<>a then result:=fail; get(a5) end end; a:=cycle(a) end; if not(eof(a0) and eof(a1) and eof(a2) and eof(a3) and eof(a4) and eof(a5)) then result:=fail; if result=pass then writeln(' PASS... (CONF076)') else writeln(' FAIL... (CONF076)') end.