{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST, FILE=CONF111, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:This test checks that non-text file parameters are accepted. } { } { This test explores the use of files of type other than text (or } { file of char) as var parameters to establish that they are } { implemented. Only local files can be tested; whether external } { files can be of these types is implementation-dependent (and may } { be omitted from an implementationtherefore). } { } { Modification History : } { V3.1: New test. } { V5.2: File header comments reformatted and file name added to } { TEST line and output lines. } { } program CONF111(output); var ix : integer; result : (pass,fail); function random : integer; var ni,k,r:integer; begin k:=ix div 177; r:=ix-k*177; ni:=-2*k+171*r; if ni<0 then ix:=ni+30269 else ix:=ni; random:=ix end; procedure Unions; const Limit=131; type Three = (Nul,One,Two); Data = record case p:Three of Two: (q,r:integer); One: (s:boolean); Nul: () end; FileKind = file of Data; {Defined at lex level 2 } var f : FileKind; a : Data; j : 0..maxint; procedure first; begin a.p:=Nul end; procedure next; var try:0..2; begin try:=random mod 3; case try of 0: a.p:=Nul; 1: begin a.p:=One; a.s:=random>15000 end; 2: begin a.p:=Two; a.q:=random; a.r:=random end end end; function notsame(var g:FileKind):boolean; { Parameter into lex level 3 } begin if a.p <> g^.p then notsame:=true else begin case a.p of Nul: notsame:=false; One: notsame:=a.s<>g^.s; Two: notsame:=(a.q<>g^.q)or(g^.r<>a.r) end end end; procedure Create(var g:FileKind); { Parameter into lex level 3 } var i : 1..Limit; procedure Move(var h:FileKind); { Parameter into lex level 4 } begin h^:=a; put(h) end; begin rewrite(g); ix:=1; first; for i:=1 to Limit do begin Move(g); next end; end; begin Create(f); reset(f); j:=0; ix:=1; first; while not eof(f) do begin if notsame(f) then result:=fail; j:=succ(j); get(f); next end; if j<>Limit then result:=fail end; begin result:=pass; { anticipatory } Unions; if result=pass then writeln(' PASS... (CONF111)') else writeln(' FAIL... (CONF111)') end.