{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST 6.7.1-10, FILE=CONF150, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:This test checks that the set-constructor can denote all values } {:allowed by the canonic set-type to which it belongs. } { } { This test is intended to trap implementations which 'fold' their } { character set for the set of char implementation. Implementations } { whose 'set of char' is incomplete also fail. } { } { Modification History : } { V4.0: MaxChar function corrected. } { V5.2: File header comments reformatted and file name added to } { TEST line and output lines. } { } program CONF150(output); type CharSet = set of char; var Cseta,Csetb : CharSet; cha,chb : char; error : boolean; function MinChar:char; { Returns least value in type char [see] } begin MinChar:=chr(0) end; function MaxChar: char; { This function returns the Pascal character having the largest ordinal value. Other characters may have a larger ordinal value, including perhaps control characters. } const upper = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-*/=<>.,:;^() '''; lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-*/=<>.,:;^() '''; var st: packed array [ 1 .. 52 ] of char; max: integer; i: 1 .. 52 ; begin max := 0; st := upper; for i := 1 to 52 do if ord( st[i] ) > max then max := ord( st[i] ); if 'a' <> 'A' then begin st := lower; for i := 1 to 52 do if ord( st[i] ) > max then max := ord( st[i] ); end; MaxChar := chr(max) end {MaxChar} ; begin error:=false; { Try all pair combinations } for cha:=MinChar to pred(MaxChar) do begin for chb:=succ(cha) to MaxChar do begin Cseta:=[cha]; Csetb:=[chb]; error:=error or (cha in Csetb) or (chb in Cseta) or not ((cha in Cseta) and (chb in Csetb)) end; end; if not error then writeln(' PASS...6.7.1-10 (CONF150)') else writeln(' FAIL...6.7.1-10 (CONF150)') end.