{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST, FILE=CONF203, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:This program checks that the floating-point representation of real } {:numbers is correctly written to textfiles. } { } { } { Modification History : } { V4.0: Renumbered from } { V5.2: File header comments reformatted and file name added to } { TEST line and output lines. } { } program CONF203(output); var f: text; i: 6 .. 20; fail: boolean; n: integer; begin rewrite(f); for i := 6 to 20 do writeln(f, 0.0:i, 1.0:i); reset(f); fail := false; for i := 6 to 20 do begin if f^ <> ' ' then fail := true; read(f, n); if (n <> 0) and (f^ <> '.') then fail := true; get(f); read(f, n); if (n <> 0) or ((f^ <> 'E') and (f^ <> 'e')) then fail := true; get(f); if (f^ <> '+') and (f^ <> '-') then fail := true; read(f, n); if (n <> 0) or (f^ <> ' ') then fail := true; read(f, n); if (n <> 1) and (f^ <> '.') then fail := true; get(f); read(f, n); if (n <> 0) or ((f^ <> 'E') and (f^ <> 'e')) then fail := true; get(f); if (f^ <> '+') and (f^ <> '-') then fail := true; read(f, n); if (n <> 0) or not eoln(f) then fail := true; end; if fail then writeln(' FAIL... (CONF203)') else writeln(' PASS... (CONF203)') end.