{ Pascal Validation Suite Version 5.7 } { } { (C) Copyright 1982, British Standards Institution } { } { TEST 6.1.5-15, FILE=CONF219, CLASS=CONFORMANCE, LEVEL=0 } { } {:The revision of ISO 7185 in 1990 amended the definition of } {:unsigned-real to allow values to be read from textfiles with } {:digit-sequences which exceed the local value of maxint. } { } { } { Modification History : } { V5.3: New test classified as IMPLEMENTATIONDEFINEDBEHAVIOUR } { (IMDEFB53). } { V5.7: Reclassified as CONFORMANCE in line with requirements } { of ISO 7185:1990. Test output amended. } { } program CONF219(output); var f: text; x: real; fail: boolean; procedure wr; begin rewrite(f); writeln(f,maxint:1,'0.0'); writeln(f,maxint:1,'0e0'); end; begin wr; reset(f); readln(f,x); fail := false; if abs(x-10.0*maxint)>0.001*x then fail := true; readln(f,x); if abs(x-10.0*maxint)>0.001*x then fail := true; if fail then writeln(' FAIL...6.5.1-15 (CONF219)') else writeln(' PASS...6.1.5-15 (CONF219)'); end.