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Designing and Interacting with Spatial Information in the Wild Workshop

9.30am, March 28th, Informatics Forum, Edinburgh University, UK


Recent developments in pervasive sensing technologies (e.g. Apple's iBeacons and Microsoft Kinect) and the increasing availability of geo-data have led to renewed interest in how users can more deeply connect through interactive technology with their physical environment. For example, changing user perceptions of the environment through the understanding of social media generated there (as in the PULSE project) or by embedding memories and stories within objects as they are passed on or resold (as in the Tales of Things project). How sensing and media can be integrated within the physical environment is a nascent research area, but one which is growing in Scotland, and one that will become internationally important as the rise of "Smart Cities" and peri-personal display technologies (such as Google Glass) becomes more mainstream.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers within SICSA to come together, discuss and define this area and the research challenges it poses. This will be facilitated by presentations from leading researchers as well as posters and short presentations on current interests and research by attendees. These will be followed by breakout sessions, encouraging participants to work together to "bodystorm" potential new collaborative solutions in this nascent area.

Invited Speakers
  • Chris Speed: Design Informatics, Edinburgh University, UK
  • David Benyon: Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
  • David Kim: Microsoft Research Ltd., Cambridge, UK
  • Keith Paton: Bluemungus Creative Solutions, Edinburgh, UK
Areas of Interest

We welcome researchers and practitioners from areas as diverse as: mobile application design; geographic information systems; pervasive and ubiquitous design; experimental hardware prototyping; commercial device manufacturing; multimedia arts; cognitive science; tourism and cultural heritage; information visualization and sonification; spatial audio; and augmented reality; Indoor/outdoor interaction; Geolocation/Geovisualisation; Augmented reality; Mixed Reality Environments; Blended Spaces; Novel Pedestrian Navigation; Spatial interaction technology; Applications of spatial interaction; Tracking and sensors for spatial interaction; Novel spatial interaction applications; Internet of Things; Multimodal techniques for spatial interaction.

Poster Session

We encourage attendees to present a poster on their research topic. This is not mandatory but an excellent opportunity to get feedback from experts in the field. The poster session will take place after the invited talks in the morning.

Contributions may include but are not limited to the areas of interest above.