Dept of Computing Science |
Imaging Faraday Partnership |
University of Glasgow |
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Vision & Graphics
The 3D Multimedia Applications and Technology Integration Centre (3D-MATIC) is a research laboratory of the Department of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow. The purpose of 3D-MATIC is to address the needs of SMEs wishing to gain access to advanced 3D non-contact digitisation techniques by connecting industrialists with research groups and researchers working in that field. To this end, 3D-MATIC is the lead academic partner and joint managing partner in the Imaging Faraday Partnership, a DTI and EPSRC sponsored Faraday Partnership jointly managed by the Sira Limited, TÜV Management & IT Consulting and the University of Glasgow.
We have a strong technological focus on applications of 3D imaging. In particular, we are investigating all aspects of human body modelling in 3D, including animation and surface skin modelling. This approach opens a wide array of application areas such as; creative media, engineering, medicine, textiles & clothing, military & security, internet & communications, forensic and fine art.
The research and development programmes undertaken by 3D-MATIC have been designed to advance the position of 3D imaging technology from being a specialist field of endeavour to that of a mainstream industrial capability. Research programme topics are those of direct industrial relevance and address the key technical challenges that must be surmounted to exploit commercially 3D imaging technology. Although our main business is research, we also have a strong commercialisation agenda which can be summarised as follows:-
Target ‘Proof of Concept’ and similar prototype development funding to turn research output into a form suitable for use by industry.
Commercialise prototyped technology via most appropriate routes.
Form strategic relationships with 3D imaging hardware suppliers.
Develop bureau services for 3D dynamic image capture and validation and testing of 3D imaging systems.
Teaching is also fundamental to 3D-MATIC's activities and we have developed and run advanced degree programmes to generate a supply of appropriately qualified personnel for the emergent 3D-based industry sector.3D-MATIC has access to the world-leading 'C3D' imaging technology, originally developed by the Turing Institute, that is revolutionising 3D data capture. By combining the science of 'photogrammetry' with digital camera technology, it is now possible to capture 3D models of people, animals and objects that are both metrically accurate and photo-realistic in appearance (as shown below). Ongoing research within 3D-MATIC is also exploring 3D data extraction from still images and movie sequences and the extension of the imaging technology to capture images in real time.
Mission Statement
3D-MATIC's mission statement is:-"To take 3D imaging technology from being an esoteric laboratory technique into the mainstream, while pushing the technological envelope in this field."
Partnership Structure
Current Academic PartnersCurrent Industrial Partners
Large Organisations
QinetiQ plc
Tayside University Hospitals NHS Trust
Glasgow Royal Infirmary University NHS Trust
National Physical Laboratory
Unilever Research Colworth
Pilkington Optronics
Anthropics Technology Limited
C3D Imaging Limited
Digital Animations Group plc
Panascan Limited
Shoemaster International Limited
Unique ID Software Limited
Virtual-Mirrors Limited
Wavecrest Systems Limited
Xilinx Inc.Current Status
21 staff comprising 17 full-time research staff (2 Research Fellows, 8 Research Assistants, 7 PhD students) and 4 management/administration staff plus the involvement of 3 senior academic staff.
Expertise in computer vision, 3D imaging, computer graphics, medical imaging, mathematics & statistics, optics and electronics.
Fully functional 3D imaging/computer vision laboratories.
14 major R&D projects running (each > £100K).
Integration with EU research projects, e.g. PAVR, V-MAN.
£1.9M research funding.
£750K funding from DTI and Scottish Enterprise.
Several industrial contracts.
Technology licensed to established and spin-out companies.
Editor : Colin McLaren |
Update : 24th March 2003 |
Vision & Graphics Research Group |
Orr Building |
University Avenue |
of Glasgow, G12 8QR |
(0)141 330 4256 |