MATCH-UP 2019, the 5th International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences, will be held in the Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland from Sunday 26 May – Wednesday 29 May 2019. It is the fifth in the series of interdisciplinary and international workshops on matching under preferences.
Matching problems with preferences occur in widespread applications such as the assignment of school-leavers to universities, junior doctors to hospitals, students to campus housing, children to schools, kidney transplant patients to donors and so on. The common thread is that individuals have preference lists over the possible outcomes and the task is to find a matching of the participants that is in some sense optimal with respect to these preferences.
The remit of this workshop is to explore matching problems with preferences from the perspective of algorithms and complexity, discrete mathematics, combinatorial optimization, game theory, mechanism design and economics, and thus a key objective is to bring together the research communities of the related areas.
Submit your paper for poster presentation
We call for poster presentations of original papers that have not previously been published in (or accepted to appear in) a conference proceedings or a journal. Papers can however be under review for a conference or journal elsewhere at the time of submission.
Poster format: A0.
Poster presentations will take place on
- Sunday (26 May) afternoon 16:00 -17:30, and on
- Wednesday (29 May) afternoon 16:30 - 18:00.
If you would like to present a poster at MATCH-UP 2019, please send an e-mail with the paper (or an extended abstract) to
Poster submission is now closed.
Submit your paper
We call for original papers that have not previously been published in (or accepted to appear in) a conference proceedings or a journal. Papers can however be under review for a conference or journal elsewhere at the time of submission.
There is no page limit for submissions. The submission should contain within the first 12 pages a clear presentation of the merits of the paper, including a discussion of the paper's importance within the context of prior work and a description of the key technical and conceptual ideas used to achieve its main claims. Proofs that can enable the main mathematical claims of the paper to be verified must be provided. Material other than the first 12 pages will be read at the committee's discretion.
Only abstracts of accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. This should allow the simultaneous or subsequent submission of contributed papers to other workshops, conferences or journals. If authors so choose, they may include a link to the full version of their paper (if published, e.g., on arXiv, REpeC, SSRN or on a personal web page) in the proceedings.
The paper submission server is now closed.
Best Paper Award
Algorithms is sponsoring a Best Paper Award for the conference. The award will consist of 500 Swiss Francs. The journal is also inviting extended conference papers of MATCH-UP 2019. For more information, see the announcement.Best Paper/Poster Presentation Award
The Director and Scientific Board of the Congressi Stefano Franscini have established a CSF Award for young scientists. This will be awarded to the participant that gives the best paper presentation (content and form) or poster presentation at the conference. To be eligible for this award, you must be a PhD student or someone who has accomplished a PhD within the last 3 years, with a maximum age of 33 years (please indicate that you are eligible when submitting a paper or poster). The award will consist of 500 CHF, together with a certicficate and a CSF memento.Program
The program and abstracts booklet can be downloaded here document.
Registration and accommodation / meal-package booking is now open and proceeds in two steps, see the following document. Registration deadline is April 26th, 2019.
Travel Information
The Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) is situated on the inviting Monte Vertà (Hill of Truth) with a fascinating history in the south of Switzerland (Canton Ticino) overlooking the town of Ascona and Lake Maggiore with its Brissago Islands.
The unique microclimatic characteristics in this sunny southern part of Switzerland generate an exuberant and evergreen vegetation which creates a mediterranean and particularly reposeful atmosphere.
Congressi Stefano FransciniMonte Verità
Via Collina 84
CH-6612 Ascona
How to get there
Reach Locarno
Whether you fly in or come by train to Switzerland, you first have to reach Locarno in order to access the Congressi Stefano Franscini at Monte Verità in Ascona.
Reach Monte Verità
Shuttle bus
Arrival day : 26.05
Shuttle from Locarno station -> Monte Verità (minibus with 9 seats, first-come first-served)
10.35 – 11.20 – 12.05 – 12.45 – 13.25
Departure day: To be announced during the conference - Public bus:
Bus Nr. 1 from Locarno railway station to Ascona (stop Ascona Posta) and then Bus Nr. 5 ("Buxi") from Ascona to Monte Verità.
Duration: 15-20 minutes for Line Nr 1. + 8 minutes for Line Nr. 5
Cost: 2.20 CHF for one way ticket from Locarno to Ascona + 2.00 CHF for a one way ticket of the Buxi from Ascona to Monte Verità. Check bus schedules on -
There are several taxis available at Locarno railway station.
Booking necessary: phone +41 91 792 21 01 or 0800 321 321
Eco Taxi from Locarno: Locarno -> Monte Verità
Duration: approx. 15 min.
Cost: approx. CHF 24.--
- Walk: You can also reach Monte Verità from Ascona Posta by walking approx. 25-30 minutes uphill along the road named Via Collina.
Important dates
- Paper submission deadline: 22 January 2019
- Notification: 01 March 2019
- Final version for proceedings: 22 March 2019
- Poster abstract submission deadline: 8 April 2019
- Registration and accommodation / meal package deadline: 26 April 2019
- Workshop: Sunday 26 May (starting at 14:00) to Wednesday 29 May (lectures end at 18:00 and dinner is included)
- Excursion to the Castles of Bellinzona in the afternoon of Tuesday 28 May
Castles of Bellinzona (Excursion, Tuesday, May 28th, afternoon)
This trip meets historical and architectural interests; it is also a good option in case of bad weather (museum and shopping in the town). Bellinzona is a medieval town partly fortified, known for its three castles which belong to the UNESCO’s cultural heritage since 2000. Particularly attractive is Castelgrande, renovated in 1984-1991 by one of the most important architects in Ticino, Aurelio Galfetti. The castle can be reached in a few minutes from the town, either by elevator or on foot. It also includes a museum and a video presentation. The three castles can be visited on foot with a guided tour of ca. 60 minutes. At the end, there will be free time for shopping in the town.
This excursion costs 55.- CHF if booked by at least 30 conference participants (you can book and pay for the excursion when booking your accommodation and meal package).
Invited Speakers
Péter Biró
Péter Biró graduated as a matematician from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2003) and received his PhD in mathematics and computer science from the same institute (2007). In the meantime he studied economics at the Corvinus University of Budapest, where he specialised in EU studies (2007). His research interest lies in the fields of cooperative game theory, algorithmic mechanism design and matching theory in particular. Before joining the game theory research group of the Institute of Economics in October 2010 he worked as a postdoc researcher at the University of Glasgow for three and a half years. He was a visiting professor at the Economics Department in Stanford University for a year in 2014, invited be Al Roth.
In July 2016 he started a research group on Market Design, sponsored by the Momentum Grant of the Academy. Besides the theoretical research, he has been involved in several applications, such as the UK kidney exchange program, the Scottish resident allocation scheme and the Hungarian higher education matching scheme.
Flip Klijn
Flip Klijn received his Ph.D. in Economics from Tilburg University in 2000. Currently, he is senior scientific researcher at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain. His research interests include matching theory, market design, game theory, operations research, and social choice theory. He has published around 50 articles in a broad range of journals, including American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, and Journal of Mathematical Economics.
Bahar Rastegari
Bahar Rastegari is a lecturer (assistant professor) at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK. She received her Ph.D. in 2013 from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, under the supervision of Anne Condon and Kevin Leyton-Brown. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher with David Manlove at the University of Glasgow for three years. She was a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, for a year and a half before taking up her recent post at the University of Southampton. Bahar’s research interests include computational social choice and algorithmic mechanism design with particular focus on matching theory.
Ildi Schlotter
Ildi Schlotter is an associate professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. She wrote her PhD thesis under the supervision of Dániel Marx on the parameterized complexity of certain graph modification and stable matching problems. She has taught algorithm theory, computer science, and formal languages to BSc and MSc students.
Her research focuses on parameterized algorithm theory and its application in the area of computational social choice, with an emphasis on stable matchings and the allocation of indivisible goods. She is a co-author of an introductory chapter on parameterized complexity in the recent book Trends in Computational Social Choice edited by Ulle Endriss.
Utku Unver
Utku Unver is a Professor of Economics at Boston College. He received his PhD in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh in 2000. His first appointments were as an assistant professor at Koç University in Istanbul (2000-2005) and at his alma-mater, the University of Pittsburgh (2005-2008). He moved to Boston College in 2008 and has been a full professor there since 2011.
He is an economic theorist, with research interests broadly in mechanism design & game theory and in their practical & theoretical applications in matching markets, such as the design of living-donor organ exchanges and axiomatic matching mechanism design. He has been one of the initiators of the market design research on kidney exchange. He has helped the launching and operation of the first two kidney-exchange clearinghouses in the world founded upon economic principles, the New England Program for Kidney Exchange and the Alliance for Kidney Paired Donation. He published around 45 articles, including in all top-five and leading field journals of economics and in top journals of other disciplines, such as medicine, operations research, and marketing science.
He is in the editorial boards of several journals, including Theoretical Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, and Games and Economic Behavior. He was the President of the Society for Economic Design between 2008-2015.
Organising Committee
- Tamás Fleiner, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary (CS Program Chair)
- Bettina Klaus, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (Chair)
- David Manlove, University of Glasgow, UK
- Marek Pycia, University of Zürich, Switzerland (ECON Program Chair)
Steering Committee
- Péter Biró, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
- Brian Dean, Clemson University, USA
- Bettina Klaus, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- David Manlove, University of Glasgow, UK
Program Committee
- Haris Aziz
- Martin Bichler
- Péter Biró
- Katarína Cechlárová
- Christine Cheng
- Ágnes Cseh
- Brian Dean
- Pavlos Eirinakis
- Tamas Fleiner (CS PC chair)
- Isa Hafalir
- Yinghua He
- Martin Hoefer
- Naoyuki Kamiyama
- Tamas Király
- Scott Kominers
- Dorothea Kuebler
- Jacob Leshno
- David Manlove
- Jordi Massó
- Jannik Matuschke
- Julian Mestre
- Antonio Miralles
- Shuichi Miyazaki
- Thayer Morrill
- Thanh Nguyen
- Alexandru Nichifor
- Marek Pycia (Econ PC Chair)
- Baharak Rastegari
- Antonio Romero-Medina
- Ildikó Schlotter
- Jay Sethuraman
- Ran Shorrer
- Alex Teytelboym
- Rakesh Vohra
- Alexander Westkamp
- Kyle Woodward
- M. Bumin Yenmez
- Ozgur Yilmaz
- Yu Yokoi
- Makoto Yokoo
MATCH-UP 2008: 6 July 2008 at Reykjavík University, Iceland (41 participants). It was held as a satellite workshop of ICALP 2008.
MATCH-UP 2012: 19-20 July 2012 at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary (68 participants).
MATCH-UP 2015: 14-16 April 2015 at the University of Glasgow, Scotland (80 participants).
MATCH-UP 2017: 20-21 April 2017 at Microsoft Research New England, Cambridge, USA (108 participants).