Invited Seminars and Lectures
- Invited seminar to the Programming Languages and Systems Research Group (PLAS) at University of Kent, February 2021.
- Guest lecture on Distributed and Parallel Technologies for Level 4/5 students at School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, November-2019 and in April-2021.
- Invited seminar to the COMPLANG research group at TU Wien (Technical University of Vienna), July 2016.
Academic Service
- Program Committee Chair of Virtual Machines and Language Implementations VMIL'24
- Organiser of the GLAsgow Systems Section (GLASS) seminar series in 2021-22.
- Artefact Evaluation committee member for Euro-Par'22
- Program committee member for Dynamic Languages Symposium DLS'21
- Publicity chair for Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes MPLR'21
- Organised three workshops at SICSA PhD conference, 2017
- How to write a great paper and present it presented by Dr. Edwin Brady
- The Seven Hacks of Highly Effective PhD Students presented by Dr. Jeremy Singer
- IBM Bluemix IoT Hands-on Workshop presented by Ross Cruickshank