from pyx import * from ent import * import random import os import math n = 1000000 # top and tail a ps file generated by pyx def strippsfile(psfile, psout): infile = open(psfile) outfile = open(psout, "w") lines = infile.readlines() lines = lines[17:-6] for line in lines: outfile.write(line) infile.close() outfile.close() # write out a canvas as a ps files def flush(ca, name): posterformat = document.paperformat(unit.length(24, unit="inch"),unit.length(24, unit="inch")) #p =, paperformat = posterformat) p =, paperformat = document.paperformat.A4, fittosize=1) d = document.document(pages = [p]) d.writePSfile(name) # combine all the individual sets with the label file to produce the final output def combine(pages): labelfile = open("") outfile = open("", "w") labellines = labelfile.readlines() labelfile.close() for line in labellines[0:-6]: outfile.write(line) for i in range(pages): infile = open("" % (i,)) lines = infile.readlines() for line in lines: outfile.write(line) infile.close() for line in labellines[-6:-1]: outfile.write(line) outfile.close() def write_label(ca): global n #write out the label at bottom left corner label_text = r'\begin{minipage}{4in} \centering {\LARGE The Sacks Spiral} \vskip 0.05in \hrule \vskip 0.05in \scriptsize $N='+str(n)+r'$ \vskip 0.1in \tiny This chart shows each number from 1 to '+str(n)+r', arranged in a spiral formation. Numbers wind out in a anticlockwise Archimedian spiral, beginning with 0 at the dead center. This is a modified version of the \textit{Sacks Spiral} (developed by Robert Sacks in 1994), which is in turn a modified version of the \textit{Ulam Spiral}, which was discovered by Stanislaw Ulam in 1963. The geometric arrangement reveals distinct structure in the distribution of prime and composite numbers. In this chart, dots are drawn if a number if composite. The diameter of the dot is given by $d = 2^{q-1},$ where $q$ is the number of unique prime factors of $i$. The polar co-ordinates of each dot is $r = \sqrt{i}, \theta=\sqrt{i}.$ This aligns the squares $(1,~4,~9,~16,~25,~36,\dots)$ in a straight line heading east from the centre of the spiral. \end{minipage}' t = text.texrunner(mode="latex", docopt="10pt") t.preamble("\usepackage{palatino}") ca.insert(t.text(7, -10.5, label_text)) def draw_axis(ca): #init the latex code t = text.texrunner(mode="latex", docopt="10pt") t.preamble("\usepackage{palatino}") #radius of the render circle insize = 11 # draw the bounding box ca.stroke(path.rect(-12,-12,24,24)) # draw the tenth of degree ticks for i in range(3600): #angle in radians ang = (i * math.pi) / 1800.0 #base size of ticks width = 0.001 outsize = 0.1 #scaling for each major tick step level wscale = 2 oscale = 1.6 #compute tick width and length if i%900 == 0: width *= wscale outsize*=oscale if i%450 == 0: width *= wscale outsize*=oscale if i%50 == 0: width *= wscale outsize*=oscale if i%10 == 0: width *=wscale outsize *=oscale lw = style.linewidth(unit.length(width, type="w", unit="cm")) # compute tick co-ordinates (inner and outer) x1 = math.cos(ang) * insize y1 = -math.sin(ang) * insize x2 = math.cos(ang) * (insize+outsize) y2 = -math.sin(ang) * (insize+outsize) ca.stroke(path.line(x1,y1,x2,y2), [lw]) #compute label co-ordinates x3 = math.cos(ang) * (insize+outsize+0.1) y3 = -math.sin(ang) * (insize+outsize+0.1) #write on labels if i%900==0: ca.insert(t.text(x3,y3,"\small "+str(i/10),[text.halign.boxcenter, text.valign.middle])) elif i%450==0: ca.insert(t.text(x3,y3,"\\scriptsize "+str(i/10),[text.halign.boxcenter, text.valign.middle])) elif i%50==0: ca.insert(t.text(x3,y3,"\\tiny "+str(i/10),[text.halign.boxcenter, text.valign.middle])) ca = canvas.canvas() #scale to just fit inside radius 11 circle basescale = 11 / (math.sqrt(n)+1) unit.set(defaultunit="inch") #init variables pi2 = 2*math.pi ctr = 0 pages = 0 for j in range(n): i = j + 2 ctr += 1 # compute co-ordinates r = math.sqrt(i) theta = r * pi2 x = math.cos(theta)*r*basescale y = math.sin(theta)*r*basescale #do exactly n if i < n: #factor factors = factor(i) #optional: compute total factors (not just unique ones) #n_facs = 0 #for f in factors: # n_facs += f[1] #uniqueness = float(len(factors))/n_facs if(len(factors)>1): ca.fill(,y, basescale*0.05*math.pow(2,((len(factors)-1))))) #split into chunks if ctr>=10000: ctr = 0 #write out image flush(ca, "te") #strip off header strippsfile("", "" % (pages,)) #reinit canvas ca = canvas.canvas() pages += 1 #draw the label and axes ca = canvas.canvas() write_label(ca) draw_axis(ca) flush(ca, "label") # create the combined document combine(pages) # clean up junk os.system("del tt_spiral*.ps") os.system("del tmp*.log") os.system("del tmp*.dvi") os.system("del tmp*.aux")