
For this tutorial you will need:

  • Python 2.7
  • Django 1.4
  • A good python IDE like PyCharm

As Django is a web application framework written in Python, to undertaken this tutorial you will need to have a working knowledge of Python.

While, some of this tutorial is based on the Django Tutorial, it is recommended that you also undertake and complete the official Django Tutorial. This tutorial aims to show you how to build a simple web application utilizing different parts of the Django framework. Check out:

It is probably a good idea to also brush up or at least be familiar with Regular Expressions in Python, see for a quick tutorial or for reference. This will be handy when you construct URL mappings within your web application.

Installing/using a good Python based IDE is also very handy. JetBrains’ PyCharm (see is really neat and provides full integration with Django making debugging much easier.

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