Accepted Papers

Authors Affiliation Title
Bermejo, P. and Hopfgartner, F. and Jose, J. M. University of Castilla-La Mancha
University of Glasgow
Automatically Creating and Comparing Features and Contexts
Kanawati, R. CNRS A CBR Framework for Implementing Community-Aware Web Search Engine
Oakes, M. P. and Palomino, M. A. and Xu, Y. University of Sunderland An Adaptive Method to Associate Pictures with Indexing Terms
Eckstein, R. and Henrich, A. University of Bamberg Reaching the Boundaries of Context-Aware IR: Accepting Help from the User
Ferguson, P. and Lee, H. and Gurrin, C. and Sav, S. and Foures, T. and Lacote, S. and Smeaton, A. F. and O'Connor, N. Dublin City University Searching withoug Text in an Interactive TV Environment
Cullen, C. and Vaughan, B. and Kousidis, S. and McAuley, J. Dublin Institute of Technology Metadata Visualisation for Emotional Speech Corpora
Sitbon, L. and Bellot, P. Queensland University of Technology
University of Avignon
A readabiity measure for an Information Retrieval Process Adapted To Dyslexics
Kaptein. R. and Kamps, J. University of Amsterdam Improving Information Access by Relevance and Topical Feedback
Springmann, M. and Schuldt, H. University of Basel Using Regions of Interest for Adaptive Image Retrieval
Fuhr, N. and Jordan, M. and Frommholz, I. University of Duisburg-Essen Combining Cognitive and System-Oriented Approaches for Designing IR User Interfaces
Klas, C.-P. and Kriewel, S. University of Hagen
University of Duisburg-Essen
An Exerpimental System for Adaptive Services in Information Retrieval
Diriye, A. and Blandford, A. and Tombros, A. UCL
Queen Mary, University of London
Information Search Stage Based Representations
Freund, L. University of British Columbia Putting Digital Government in Context