HSE Statistics

This page will provide links to official HSE statistics. Some of the statistics are all available as PDF files, and they can be viewed or downloaded using Acrobat Reader version 3. If you do not already have this software installed on your computer, click on the link below to obtain a free copy.


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General Administrative Procedures - Statistical Services in HSE

Safety Statistics Bulletin

National Picture of Health and Safety in Local Authority Enforced Industries

Fact Sheets on Injuries Reported to Local Authorities:
Fact Sheet : Consumer/Leisure Services
Fact Sheet : Hotel and Catering
Fact Sheet : Office Based Industry
Fact Sheet : Residential Care Homes
Fact Sheet : Retail
Fact Sheet : Wholesale Distribution

A view from the Labour Force Survey on Accident Statistics
European Accident Statistics

General Administrative Procedures - Statistical Services in HSE

Safety Statistics Bulletin 1997/98
This bulletin presents the latest statistics available on reports to HSE and local authorities for the year April 1997 to March 1998. It represents a summary of: workplace injuries to workers, employees, the self-employed, and members of the public; dangerous occurrences; and gas safety statistics. Hard copies of the bulletin are available free of charge from HSE Books.

Mid-year statistics for 1998/99

Further information can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive, Operations Unit, Room 512, Daniel House, Trinity Road, Bootle, Merseyside, L20 7HE or by E-Mailing Point.PublicEnquiry@hse.gov.uk

More detailed information will be published in Health and Safety Statistics 1997/98 in October 1998 and this may be available on the Internet at a later date.

National Picture of Health and Safety in Local Authority Enforced Industries

This report is part of a package which includes the HELA Annual Report. It presents a picture of local authority work in enforcing the law on health and safety in 1996/97; an overview of workplace injuries reported to local authorities during this period, including the first release of estimated final figures for 1997/98; and, for the first time, ill health statistics. A hard copy of this report is available free from HSE's Operations Unit on 0151-951-4862.
The Annual Report itself, which sets out in summary form the work of local authorities in the field of health and safety, can be found at http://www.open.gov.uk/hse/foi/lauhome.htm and is also available free of charge from HSE Books.

Fact sheets on injuries reported to local authorities

HSE has produced 6 fact sheets giving detailed information on injuries reported to local authorities in the following industries:

(0151) 951 4862
fax: (0151) 951 3827

This page was last updated 30/11/98

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