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Second International Summer School on Behavioural Types


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BETTY Summer School 2016

27th June - 1st July 2016, Limassol, Cyprus

Organized by COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY).


Behavioural type systems go beyond data type systems in order to specify, characterize and reason about dynamic aspects of program execution. Behavioural types encompass: session types; contracts (for example in service-oriented systems); typestate; types for analysis of termination, deadlock-freedom, liveness, race-freedom and related properties; intersection types applied to behavioural properties; and other topics. Behavioural types can form a basis for both static analysis and dynamic monitoring. Recent years have seen a rapid increase in research on behavioural types, driven partly by the need to formalize and codify communication structures as computing moves from the data-processing era to the communication era, and partly by the realization that type-theoretic techniques can provide insight into the fine structure of computation.

The aim of this summer school is to provide advanced training, especially to PhD students and early-career researchers, in all aspects of the theory and practice of behavioural types.

Lecturers and topics

  • Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, Italy) :: Behavioural contracts
  • Laura Bocchi (University of Kent, UK) :: Multiparty session types
  • Luís Caires (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) :: Linear logic and behavioural types
  • Ornela Dardha (University of Glasgow, UK) :: Introduction to session types
  • Raymond Hu (Imperial College London, UK) :: Practical programming with Scribble and session types
  • Vasco Vasconcelos (University of Lisbon, Portugal) :: Type-based tools: SePi and ParTypes
  • Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh, UK) :: Propositions as sessions

It will also be possible for participants to give short talks. 


COST Action IC1201 will provide funding for PhD students and early career researchers who are working in COST countries. Other participants can attend with their own funding.

Organising Committee

The organising committee consists of the Action chair and vice-chair, the Working Group chairs, and the local organiser. 

  • Ilaria Castellani (INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, France)
  • Simon Gay (University of Glasgow, UK), Chair
  • Thomas Hildebrandt (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Hans Hüttel (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • Luca Padovani (University of Torino, Italy)
  • Anna Philippou (University of Cyprus), Local Organiser
  • António Ravara (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Vasco Vasconcelos (University of Lisbon, Portugal)