Dr. Lal Sumitha Balasuriya

Visiting Researcher
Department of Computing Science
University of Glasgow


Sumitha - Visual Spectrum
That's me in infrared        
While this is me in the visible spectrum


Dr Balasuriya is currently Chief Scientist at the 14th fastest growing technlogy company in the UK. He designed and developed the UK's first portfolio optimisation based automated search engine budget and bid management system.


Cockshott,W.P. & Balasuriya,L.S. & Gunawan,I.P. & Siebert,J.P. , "Iconic Object-based Saccade Generation using a Biologically Inspired Self-organized Retina," Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2007, 10-13 September 2007, Warwick, UK
Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "Iconic Object-based Saccade Generation using a Biologically Inspired Self-organized Retina," Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, August 12-17, 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Cockshott,W.P. & Balasuriya,L.S. & Gunawan,I.P. & Siebert,J.P. , "Vector Quantisation Based Image Enhancement," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2007), Vol. 1, Barcelona, Spain, 8-11 March 2007.
Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "An Architecture for Object-based Saccade Generation using a Biologically Inspired Self-organised Retina," Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, July 2006

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P.,"Hierarchical Feature Extraction using a Self-organised Retinal Receptive Field Sampling Tessellation," Neural Information Processing - Letters & Reviews, 10:4-6, April-June 2006

Balasuriya, L. S., A Computational Model of Space-Variant Vision Based on a Self-Organised Artificial Retina Tessellation, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, March 2006

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "Space-Variant Vision using an Irregularly Tessellated Artificial Retina," Biologically-Inspired Models and Hardware for Human-like Intelligent Functions, Montréal, August 2005

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "A Biologically Inspired Computational Vision Front-end based on a Self-Organised Pseudo-Randomly Tessellated Artificial Retina," Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Montréal, August 2005

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "Generating Saccades for a Biologically-Inspired Irregularly Tessellated Retinal Sensor," Proceedings for the Biro-Net Symposium, Essex, Sepember 2004

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "Saccade Generation for a Space-Variant Artificial Retina," Early Cognitive Vision Workshop, Isle of Skye, May 2004

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "A low level vision hierarchy based on an irregularly sampled retina," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Singapore, December 2003   

Balasuriya, L. S. & Siebert, J. P., "An artificial retina with a self-organised retinal receptive field tessellation," Proceedings of the Biologically-inspired Machine Vision, Theory and Application symposium, Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Convention, Aberystwyth, April 2003    

Balasuriya, L. S. & Kodikara, N. D., "Fully Automated Frontal View Human Face Detection and Recognition," Proceedings of the National Information Technology Conference, Colombo, July 2001

Balasuriya, L. S. & Kodikara, N. D., "Frontal View Human Face Detection and Recognition," Proceedings of the International Information Technology Conference, Colombo, October 2000   

Balasuriya, L. S., "Frontal View Human Face Detection and Recognition," B.Sc. Honours thesis, Department of Statistics and Computer Science, University of Colombo, Colombo, May 2000  



Updated 06.01.2009