Muffy Calder


Head of College of Science and Engineering
University of Glasgow

Research in computational modelling and automated reasoning for concurrent, communicating systems, especially sensor-based systems; privacy intrusion; responsible AI.

Member of Prime Minister's Council for Science and Technology and Senior Visiting Fellow at CETaS.

RSE Women in Science Online Portrait

Past: Royal Society Leverhulme Research Senior Fellowship, Royal Society Wolfson Merit Research Award, Suffrage Science award in Computing Science and Mathematics, Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland (Scottish Government) and co-chair of SSAC (Scottish Science Advisory Council), co-Chair of EU FET Science Advisory Group, chair of BCS School Curriculum and Assessment Committee, deputy chair REF 2021 Main Panel B, member of UKRI-EPSRC Council , chair of DCMS Science Advisory Council.

Selected Recent Publications

Privacy Intrusion and National Security in the Age of AI: assessing proportionality of automated analytics,
CETaS Research Reports, Alan Turing Institue, 2023.


Structured Framework for Assessing Proportionality of Privacy Intrusion of Automated Analytics, CETaS Research Reports, Alan Turing Institute, 2023.


Quantitative Modelling and Analysis of BDI Agents, Software and Systems Modeling, 2023.



Probabilistic Bigraphs, Formal Aspects of Computing, Vol. 34, Issue 2, ACM, 2022. DOI


Orcid number: 0000-0001-5033-7232


Current/Recent Research Projects

Level 3 
Boyd Orr Building
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Tel: +44 141 330 4462

Muffy Calder