
Note: alphabetical order of authors means equal contributions.

Recent works submitted for publication

Published research

  1. Modelling and Analysing Routing Protocols Diagrammatically with Bigraphs
    Maram Albalwe, Blair Archibald, and Michele Sevegnani
    in ACM Formal Aspects of Computing Journal, (to appear) 2024
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  2. Modelling Real-time Systems with Bigraphs
    Maram Albalwe, Blair Archibald, and Michele Sevegnani
    in International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM), Enschede, Netherlands, July 2024
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  3. Modelling Privacy Compliance in Cross-border Data Transfers with Bigraphs
    Ebtihal Althubiti, Blair Archibald, and Michele Sevegnani
    in International Workshop on Graph Computation Models (GCM), Enschede, Netherlands, July 2024
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  4. A Bigraphs Paper of Sorts
    Blair Archibald and Michele Sevegnani
    in International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT), (to appear) 2024
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  5. The Effect of Predictive Formal Modelling at Runtime on Performance in Human-Swarm Interaction
    Ayodeji O. Abioye, William Hunt, Yue Gu, Eike Schneiders, Mohammad Naiseh, Joel E. Fischer, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Mohammad D. Soorati, Blair Archibald, and Michele Sevegnani
    in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Boulder, Colorado, USA, March 2024
    [pdf] [doi] [video] [bib] [CORE]
  6. CAN-verify: A Verification Tool for BDI Agents
    Mengwei Xu, Thibault Rivoalen, Blair Archibald, and Michele Sevegnani
    in International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM), Leiden, the Netherlands, November 2023
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  7. Quantitative Modelling and Analysis of BDI Agents
    Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, Michele Sevegnani, and Mengwei Xu
    in International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2023
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  8. Successful Swarms: Operator Situational Awareness with Modelling and Verification at Runtime
    Yue Gu, William Hunt, Blair Archibald, Mengwei Xu, Michele Sevegnani, and Mohammad D. Soorati
    in IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2023), Busan, Korea, 28-31 August 2023
    [pdf] [doi] [video] [bib]
  9. Quantitative Verification and Strategy Synthesis for BDI Agents
    Mengwei Xu, Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, and Michele Sevegnani
    in NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2023), Houston, TX, USA, 2023
    [pdf] [doi] [slides] [bib]
  10. Adaptive Model Verification for Modularised Industry 4.0 Applications
    Xin Xin, Sye Loong Keoh, Michele Sevegnani, Martin Saerbeck, and Teck Ping Khoo
    in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 125353-125364, 2022
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  11. Run-Time Probabilistic Model Checking for Failure Prediction: A Smart Lift Case Study
    Xin Xin, Sye Loong Keoh, Michele Sevegnani, and Martin Saerbeck,
    in IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT2022), Yokohama, Japan, 31 October - 4 November, 2022
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  12. Probabilistic Bigraphs
    Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, and Michele Sevegnani
    in ACM Formal Aspects of Computing Journal, Volume 34, Issue 2, June 2022
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  13. Verifying BDI Agents in Dynamic Environments
    Mengwei Xu, Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of 34th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2022), Pittsburgh, USA, July 2022
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  14. Fine-grained RNN with Transfer Learning for Energy Consumption Estimation on EVs
    Yining Hua, Michele Sevegnani, Dewei Yi, Andrew Birnie, and Steve McAslan
    in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 18, Issue 11, pp 8182-8190, November 2022
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  15. Modelling and Verifying BDI Agents with Bigraphs
    Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, Michele Sevegnani, and Mengwei Xu
    in Science of Computer Programming, Volume 215, pp 288-310, Elsevier, March 2022
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  16. Probabilistic BDI Agents: Actions, Plans, and Intentions
    Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, Michele Sevegnani, and Mengwei Xu
    in proceedings of 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2021)
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  17. Practical Bigraphs via Subgraph Isomorphism
    Blair Archibald, Kyle Burns, Ciaran McCreesh, and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of 27th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2021)
    [pdf] [doi] [video] [bib] [CORE]
  18. Observable and Attention-Directing BDI Agents for Human-Autonomy Teaming
    Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, Michele Sevegnani, and Mengwei Xu
    in proceedings of Third Workshop on Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems (FMAS 2021), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 348, pp. 167–175, Virtual, October 2021
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  19. A Tale of Two Graph Models: A Case Study in WirelessSensor Networks
    Blair Archibald, Géza Kulcsár, and Michele Sevegnani
    in ACM Formal Aspects of Computing Journal, Volume 33, Issue 6, December 2021
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  20. Finite Models for a Spatial Logic with Discrete and Topological Path Operators
    Sven Linker, Fabio Papacchini, and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2021), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), volume 202, pp 72:1--72:16, Tallin, Estonia, August 2021
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  21. Analysing Spatial Properties on Neighbourhood Spaces
    Sven Linker, Fabio Papacchini, and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of 45th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2020), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), volume 170, pp 66:1--66:14, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2020
    [pdf] [doi] [video] [bib] [CORE]
  22. Dynamic Probabilistic Model Checking for Sensor Validation in Industry 4.0 Applications
    Xin Xin, Sye Loong Keoh, Michele Sevegnani, and Martin Saerbeck
    in proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (IEEE SmartIoT 2020), volume 1, pp 43--50, Beijing, China, August 2020
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  23. Conditional Bigraphs
    Blair Archibald, Muffy Calder, and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 12150, pp 3--19, Bergen, Norway, June 2020
    [pdf] [doi] [video] [bib] [CORE]
  24. BigraphTalk: Verified Design of IoT Applications
    Blair Archibald, Min-Zheng Shieh, Yu-Hsuan Hu, Michele Sevegnani, and Yi-Bing Lin
    in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 2955--2967, April 2020
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  25. Target counting with Presburger constraints and its application in sensor networks
    Sven Linker and Michele Sevegnani
    in Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume 475, Issue 2231, November 2019
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  26. Stochastic model checking for predicting component failures and service availability
    Muffy Calder and Michele Sevegnani
    in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 174--187, January 2019
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  27. Modelling and Verification of Large-Scale Sensor Network Infrastructures
    Michele Sevegnani, Milan Kabac, Muffy Calder, and Julie A. McCann
    in proceedings of International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2018), pp 71--81, IEEE, Melbourne, Australia, December 2018
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  28. Formalising Sensor Topologies for Target Counting
    Sven Linker and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of 1st Workshop on Architectures, Languages and Paradigms for IoT, Turin, Italy, September 2017
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  29. BigraphER: rewriting and analysis engine for bigraphs
    Michele Sevegnani and Muffy Calder
    in proceedings of Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9780 Part II, pp 494-501, Springer, Toronto, Canada, July 2016
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  30. On lions, impala, and bigraphs: modelling interactions in physical/virtual spaces
    Steve Benford, Muffy Calder, Tom Rodden, and Michele Sevegnani
    in Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), Issue 23:2, pp 9:1-9:56, ACM, May 2016
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  31. Bigraphs with sharing
    Michele Sevegnani and Muffy Calder
    in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 577, pp 43-73, Elsevier, April 2015
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  32. Towards a Bigraphical Encoding of Actors
    Michele Sevegnani and Eloi Pereira
    in proceedings of 1st Workshop on Meta Models for Process Languages (MeMo'14), Berlin, Germany, June 2014
    [pdf] [bib]
  33. Do I need to fix a failed component now, or can I wait until tomorrow?
    Muffy Calder and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC'14), pp 70-81, IEEE, Newcastle, UK, May 2014
    [pdf] [doi] [bib]
  34. Modelling IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA RTS/CTS with stochastic bigraphs with sharing
    Muffy Calder and Michele Sevegnani
    in Formal Aspects of Computing, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp 537-561, Springer, May 2014
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  35. Real-time verification of wireless home networks using bigraphs with sharing
    Muffy Calder, Alexandros Koliousis, Michele Sevegnani, and Joseph Sventek
    in Science of Computer Programming, Volume 80, Part B, pp 288-310, Elsevier, February 2014
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [SJR]
  36. Process Algebra for Event-Driven Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Wireless Network Management
    Muffy Calder and Michele Sevegnani
    in proceedings of Integrated Formal Methods (IFM'12), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7321, pp 21-23, Springer, Pisa, Italy, June 2012
    [pdf] [doi] [bib] [CORE]
  37. Bigraphs with sharing and applications in wireless networks
    Michele Sevegnani
    Ph.D. thesis, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, submitted May 2012, accepted September 2012
    Nominated for the BCS Distinguished Dissertation Award '13
    [pdf] [bib]
